List of profiles

The profle list contains a list of companies and profiles (for example, a customer can be a profile). The list is filterable and searchable.

The list below contains all actions you can perform on the list of profiles:


To perform actions on the profile list, you must import or add your profiles/companies first.

Note: It’s possible to create a profile through API after an interaction.

Adding profiles

Adding a new profile
Adding a new profile

You can add a new profile to your database manually.

  1. Go to Profiles icon.
  2. At the top of the list, click Add new.
  3. From the dropdown list, select Profile.
  4. Fill in the required fields:
    • email address,
    • first name,
    • last name
  5. Optionally, you can add attributes (properties) to the person you add:
    1. Click Add property.
    2. From the dropdown list, from the properties available in your workspace, select the name of the property.
    3. In the Value text field, enter the value of the property (for example, New York for the City property).
    4. To add more properties, click Add property.

Defining properties

  1. Optionally, you can define new properties.

    1. Click New property.
    2. In the Source parameter field, enter the name of the parameter as sent by the SDKs/API.
    3. In the Property name field, enter a human-readable label for display in the Synerise portal.
    4. Optionally, in the Description field, you can add an explanation about the purpose of this property.
    5. From the Property type dropdown list, select the format of the property value as sent by the SDKs/API.
    6. Confirm by clicking Save.
      Adding a new property
      Adding a new property

    Result: The property is available in Data Management > Params Manager.

  2. To save a new profile, click Save.

Adding companies

Adding a new company
Adding a new company
  1. Go to Profiles icon.
  2. At the top of the list, click Add new.
  3. From the dropdown list, select Company.
  4. Fill in the required fields:
    • email address,
    • company name
  5. Optionally, you can add attributes (properties) to the company you add.
    1. Click Add property.
    2. From the dropdown list, from the properties available in your workspace, select the name of the property.
    3. In the Value text field, enter the value of the property (for example, New York for the City).
    4. To add more properties, click Add property.

Defining properties

  1. Optionally, you can add new properties.
    1. Click New property.

    2. In the Source parameter field, enter the name of the parameter as it is sent by the SDKs/API.

    3. In the Property name field, enter a human-readable label for display in the Synerise portal.

    4. Optionally, in the Description field, you can add an explanation about the purpose of this property.

    5. From the Property type dropdown list, select the format of the property value as sent by the SDKs/API.

    6. Confirm by clicking Save.

      Adding a new property
      Adding a new property
    7. The property is available in Data Management > Params Manager.

  2. To save a new company, click Save.

Editing and deleting profiles

Performing actions on the list
Performing actions on the list
  1. Go to Profiles icon
  2. Next to the item on the list, click Three dot icon.
  3. From the dropdown list, select the action.
    • Preview - Redirects you to the preview of the profile
    • Edit - Allows you to add/modify properties.
    • Delete - Removes a profile from your workspace.
      WARNING: Removal is permanent.
    • Mark as company - Changes the type of the profile to company (this is one-way change).

Searching for profiles

Searching profiles
Searching profiles on the list

You can search for a specifc person or company by using their attibutes such as name, email, phone number, city, UUID, ID, or a tag assigned to the person.

Important: The query you enter here is not removed automatically after logging out. So when you log back in, the list displays the result of your previous query.
  1. Click the search box.
    Result: You will see a list of recent searches below.
  2. Below the recent queries, you get the list of attributes you can use to search.

Filtering profiles

Filtered profiles
Filtered profiles on the list

You can filter the items on the list in two ways:

  • by displaying recognized, unrecognized, or all profiles
  • by preparing a segmentation - this way you can use any attribute or event to filter out a group of people/companies who share the same quality.
Important: The filter is not removed automatically after logging out. So when you log back in, the list displays the result of the filter.
Filtering recognized/unrecognized profiles

  1. Go to Profiles icon
  2. At the top of the page, click Recognized.
    Filtering out customers who visited a website last month
    Filtering out customers who visited a website last month
  3. Select an option.

Filtering by a segmentation

  1. Go to Profiles icon

  2. At the top of the page, click Filter icon.

  3. Click the Choose filter button.

  4. Define the conditions by selecting events and/or attributes.

  5. To narrow down the scope of data, you can use the date filters.

    Filtering out customers who visited a website last month
    Filtering out customers who visited a website last month
  6. Confirm by clicking Apply.
    Results: The list presents the filtered results and the filter icon is marked with the red dot: Filter icon

Tip: Read more information about building segmentations.

Importing profiles

You can import profiles to your workspace in three ways:

  • through API
  • through webhooks
  • upload a file
    The following file types are allowed:
    • .CSV
    • JSON
    • Google Merchant XML

To import profiles, at the top of the page, click the Import button.

Note: The full instruction about importing profiles to Synerise is available here.

Exporting profiles

Exporting profiles
Exporting profiles

You can export a chosen group of profiles or companies to a .CSV file.

  1. Go to Profiles icon
  2. Select profiles on the list by ticking the checkboxes on the left.
  3. Click the Export button.
  4. On the pop-up:
    1. Enter the name of the export.
    2. Select the attributes to be included in the exported file.
    3. Confirm by clicking Apply.
      Export form
      Export form
    Result: You are redirected to the list of exports.
    Export list
    Export list

Example: Exporting customers who subscribed to a newsletter

To get the CSV file with a group of customers who subscribed to a newsletter in the defined period:

  1. Go to Profiles icon
  2. At the top of the page, click Filter icon
  3. Click Choose filter.
  4. From the list, select the newsletter.subscribe event.
    Important: In your workspace, the name of event that signifies newsletter subscription can be different.
  5. From the calendar, select the time period.
    Conditions of the segmentation
    Conditions of the segmentation
  6. Confirm by clicking Apply.
  7. Select all filtered customers.
    Conditions of the segmentation
    Conditions of the segmentation
  8. Click Export.
  9. On the Export form, select the attributes you want to include in the CSV.
    Export form
    Export form
  10. Confirm by clicking Apply.
    Result: A pop-up appears.
  11. On the pop-up, click Go to Reports.
  12. Find your export on the list and download it.

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