Loyalty points for the first purchase after registration

Published June 12, 2023

There are various strategies to motivate new customers to join your loyalty program, boost revenue, and encourage repeat purchases, ultimately fostering long-term loyalty. One effective approach is to provide customers with rewarding loyalty points immediately upon registration, coupled with a minimum transaction requirement. By offering these points, you incentivize customers to increase their spending while providing them with a valuable currency that can be used to unlock a range of rewards, discounts, and exclusive benefits.

In this use case, we will create a workflow that grants 100 loyalty points for new loyalty program members. This offer will be available for transactions equal to or higher than 10$.


  • Implement transaction events using SDK or API.
  • Add a custom event to save data to customers’ profiles when they perform an activity. In this particular use case: points.register
  • Integrate Synerise mobile SDK in your mobile application.
  • Integrate mechanism for awarding loyalty points.
    Note: Find more in the Loyalty programs basics use case.

Security configuration

Before you start working with this module, if you are a Synerise customer or partner, consider reading the section about denylisting events. This natively accessible configuration will allow you to manage the restrictions in points management that may help you prevent fraud. 


In this use case, you will go through the following steps:

  1. Create a segmentation that groups customers that already have loyalty points for registration.
  2. Create a workflow which grants 100 loyalty points for the first purchase worth a minimum $10 after registration.

Create a segmentation

In this part of the process, you create a segmentation based on the points.register event.

  1. Go to Analytics icon Analytics > Segmentations v2 > New segmentation.

  2. Enter a meaningful name for the segmentation.

  3. Click the Add condition and from the dropdown list, select the points.register event.

  4. In the calendar in the right bottom of the page:

    1. In the Relative date range section, click More and from the dropdown list, select Lifetime.
    2. Click Apply.
    The view of the segmentation configuration
    Segmentation configuration
  5. Click Save.
    The segment is saved and can be viewed in Preview.

Create a workflow

Create a workflow that grants 100 loyalty points for the first purchase for a minimum value to customers who register for the first time.

  1. Go to Automation icon Automation > Workflows > New workflow.
  2. Enter the name of the workflow.

Define the Profile Event trigger node

At this stage, we will configure the conditions that launch the workflow. As a trigger, we will use the transaction.charge event with value equal to or higher than $10.

  1. As the first node of the workflow, add Profile Event. In the configuration of the node:
    1. From Choose event dropdown menu, choose the transaction.charge event.
    2. Click the + where button and from the dropdown list, choose $revenue.
    3. From the Choose operator dropdown, select More or equal to (Number).
    4. In the text field, type the minimal value of the transaction. In our case it will be 10.
    5. Confirm by clicking Apply.
The view of the Profile Event node configuration
Profile Event node configuration

Define the Profile Filter node

As the next step, add the Profile Filter node, which checks if the customer already has points for the registration. If the customer has not yet received loyalty points for registration, then in the next step we will generate an event with those points for them, and if they have already received points, then the workflow ends.

  1. Add Profile Filter node.
  2. Click Choose filter > Profiles > Segmentations and from the dropdown list, select the segmentation you created in the previous step.
  3. From the Choose operator dropdown, choose Is true (Boolean).
  4. Click Apply.
The view of the Profile Filter node configuration
Profile Filter node configuration

Congifure the Generate Event node

  1. To the Not matched path, add a Generate Event node.

  2. In the settings of the node:

    1. Enable the Action limit toggle.

    2. In the Event name field, enter the name of the event. In our case, we are using points.register event.

    3. The Label field exists for backwards compatibility. If your integration does not require this parameter, skip it. In our case, type Points for registration.

    4. In the Body section, use the following code and modify it to your needs:

              "points": "100"
  3. Click Apply.

The view of the Generate Event node configuration
Generate Event node configuration

Add final setting to your workflow

  1. Add the End node to both paths.
  2. Launch the workflow by clicking Save&Run.
The view of the workflow configuration
Configuration of the workflow

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