Getting started

What is Synerise Web SDK

Synerise Web SDK (Software Development Kit) is a JavaScript library that allows you to integrate Synerise on your website. This library (SDK) is responsible for data exchange between Synerise and the website into which it is implemented. Thanks to the SDK, we not only send data (events) but also download data to show dynamic content campaigns. The SDK is also responsible for customer identification, which means that SDK assigns a UUID for anonymous users on your website, if they already have a UUID, it recognizes them.

How to implement Synerise Web SDK?

By adding a tracking code into the source code of your website.

Benefits of implementing the tracking code

Implementing Synerise Web SDK on a website you allows you to:

  1. Use all methods provided by Synerise SDK:
  2. Identify users on your website
  3. Show dynamic content campaigns

If the visitor’s User Agent matches any of those used by Googlebot, the SDK doesn’t initialize. This means that Googlebot’s page crawling visits don’t generate any Dynamic Content, events, or Profiles.


If you use a custom tracking domain, prepare DNS entries for it. See Custom tracking domain.

Creating a tracking code

  1. Go to Settings icon Settings > Tracking Codes > Add tracking code.
    Result: The tracking code creation form opens.
    Tracking code creation form
    Tracking code creation form
  2. In Tracking code name, enter the name.
    It’s used for identifying the code on the list of tracking codes.
  3. In Domain name, enter the domain where the code will be used. This setting doesn’t affect tracking or cookies - its purpose is to identify the code.
  4. Select the type of page where you want to implement the code.
    Important: If you choose Single Page App, you will need to manually implement page visit events and dynamic content after you include the tracking code in the page. This is described further in the article.
  5. If you use Google data layer, enable the toggle and select the version.
    If your site uses multiple versions, you can only choose one for use with Synerise tracking.
  6. If you use a custom tracking domain, enable Custom domain tracking and enter the domain in the field that appears.
    Important: Using a custom tracking domain requires additional configuration. See Custom tracking domain.
  7. This completes the basic settings.

Additional options

  1. Expand Additional options.
  2. Configure the settings that you need:

By default, cookies expire after 400 days. To change the expiration time, enable the toggle and enter the period.

If you use several subdomains, they generate cookies with their own domain. To declare a specific domain instead, enable the toggle and enter the domain.

Disable automatic tracking of page visits

You can disable automatic collection of page.visit events. You can re-implement the events by using the SDK methods.

Important: For Single-Page Applications, this option is always enabled.

Custom service worker scope

If you use Synerise Web push notifications and need to set a custom service worker scope (registration path), enable the toggle and enter the path.

Customizing metadata

You can add <meta> tags to the website or modify existing ones. The new values are added to page.visit events. They can also be used with other features based on metadata, such as communication, recommendations, personalization, and so on. To add the metadata, enable the toggle and paste JS code inside the function (metadata) function.

Note: If you chose Shopify as the page type, a piece of Jinjava required for the integration is already added to the metadata and this option can’t be disabled.


function (metadata) { // DO NOT REMOVE
    metadata.size = 8;
    metadata.isExample = true;
    metadata['og:title'] = 'Sneakers';
    metadata['product:retailer_part_no'] = '1a4d3380-04d1';
    return metadata; // DO NOT REMOVE
    }                // DO NOT REMOVE

Syntax usage:

  • If the name of the meta key doesn’t contain special characters, use the metadata.keyName = 'keyValue' syntax.
  • If the name of the meta key contains special characters, use the metadata['key_name'] = 'keyValue' syntax.
  • Up to 20 meta parameters can be returned.
  • The following value types are allowed:
    • string
    • number
    • boolean
    • array

Manage some Synerise features

You can turn off Web push notifications and/or Dynamic Content by disabling the toggles.
The feature or features will be disabled entirely for this tracking code and can’t be restored with SDK methods.

Adding the tracking code to your site

  1. After you complete the configuration, click Generate.
    Result: The tracking code is generated and displayed.
    A screenshot of a generated tracking code
    An example generated tracking code for a Web page
  2. Continue depending on the selected page type:
    1. Copy the tracking code.
    2. Paste the code into your website, before the closing </body> tag.
      You can use Google Tag Manager to do this (when using a custom tracking domain this is not recommended).
    3. If you enabled the custom tracking domain, make sure it’s added to the DNS and API methods as described in Custom tracking domain.

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