Website and app interaction events

Note: Your integration may add custom parameters. The tables only list parameters that exist in Synerise and SDKs/APIs by default.


A user entered the website or opened the application and a session was opened. The session ends when 30 minutes pass since the user’s last activity.
This event is generated by the backend when any of these events occurs and there is no active session:

Default retention: 30 days

Retention guidelines:
Lowering the retention of this event affects:

  • In Analytics:
    • metrics that calculate monthly or weekly sessions, average session length.
    • segmentations based on session length.
    • analyses that use event parameters based on IP address, such as ip, city, operator.
    • analyses that use location data.
  • In Automation: profile filters based on recent sessions and their length.
Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
mobile boolean true true if the event occurred on a mobile device
country string Poland Name of the country where the event was generated
countryCode string PL Code of the country
regionName string Lesser Poland Name of the region
region string 12 Code of the region
city string Krakow Name of the city
zip string 31-008 ZIP Code
lat string 50.0585 Latitude
lon string 19.9342 Longitude
timezone string Europe/Warsaw Timezone of the device
isp string Example ISP Ltd Internet Service Provider (ISP) name
org string ISP organization
as string AS38435 Example ISP Ltd Autonomous System of the ISP


30 minutes passed since a user was last active and the session was closed.

Default retention: 30 days

Retention guidelines:
Lowering the retention of this event affects:

  • In Analytics:
    • metrics that calculate monthly or weekly sessions, average session length.
    • segmentations based on session length.
    • analyses that use event parameters based on IP address, such as ip, city, operator.
    • analyses that use location data.
  • In Automation: profile filters based on recent sessions and their length.
Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
session_duration_millis Duration of the session (in milliseconds)
mobile boolean true true if the event occurred on a mobile device


A user opened the mobile application. This event is sent every time the mobile SDK is initialized.

This event:

  • can be used to target campaigns based on:
    • last activity in the application.
    • mobile network operator.
    • brand and model of the device.
  • includes information about the user’s marketing consent.
  • is used to determine which device a user used most recently, so that mobile push campaigns are sent to that device.
  • can be used to trigger in-app messages.
  • is used for debugging.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
applicationName string testApp Name of the application where the profile registered
applicationType string NATIVE Type of the application, for example 'NATIVE' for native apps and 'FLUTTER' for hybrid app built by Flutter
sdkVersion string 4.10.1 Synerise SDK version
currentSDKVersion string 4.10.1 Synerise SDK version (Android SDK only, deprecated in 6.0.0)
sdkPreviousVersion string 4.8.0 Previous version of Synerise SDK
lastSDKVersion string 4.8.0 Synerise SDK previous version (Android SDK only, deprecated in 6.0.0)
sdkPluginVersion string 1.0.0 Synerise SDK Plugin version (in hybrid apps, for example built with Flutter or React Native)
version string 34.1.5 Version of the application (deprecated)
appVersion string 34.1.5 Version of the application
deviceId string EC09B76E-B4EA-4583-983E-339EE1A8171E Unique identifier of the device
deviceID string EC09B76E-B4EA-4583-983E-339EE1A8171E Unique identifier of the device (iOS SDK only, removed in 5.0.0)
systemPushConsent string enabled Informs if push messages are allowed in system settings
networkType string WIFI Type of the network that the device was connected to
deviceType string SMARTPHONE Type of the device
deviceResolution string 1170x2532 Resolution of the device
deviceManufacturer string Apple Brand of the device
os string ios Operating system of the device
osLanguage string en Language of the operating system
osVersion string 16.4 Version of the operating system


Report about a mobile application crash, with additional data for troubleshooting.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
exception string InvalidArgumentException Summary of the exception
isRooted boolean false Informs if the device is rooted
reason string +[SNRGetInAppDefinitionsRequest removeResponseForEtagIfExists]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x108185418 Additional details of the exception
stacktrace string 0CoreFoundation0x0000000[...] Stack trace of the error
os string ios Operating system of the device


The SDK couldn’t start an intent because of an ActivityNotFoundException.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
intentAction string ACTION_VIEW The action of the intent
os string ios Operating system of the device


A user logged in to the website or mobile application. This event is only generated for OAuth and Registration-as-a-Service authentication.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
method string FACEBOOK Sign in method
email string Email address of the profile
deviceId string EC09B76E-B4EA-4583-983E-339EE1A8171E Unique identifier of the device


An anonymous profile generated a new authentication token.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
deviceId string EC09B76E-B4EA-4583-983E-339EE1A8171E Unique identifier of the device


A user logged in with simple authentication

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
deviceId string EC09B76E-B4EA-4583-983E-339EE1A8171E Unique identifier of the device


A profile tried to log in to an inactive account.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
deviceId string EC09B76E-B4EA-4583-983E-339EE1A8171E Unique identifier of the device


A user logged out from the website or mobile application. By default, this event is generated only when you use Synerise Registration-as-a-Service.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events


A user visited a website.

Default retention: 30 days

Retention guidelines:
Lowering the retention of this event affects the quality of AI recommendation models.

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
og:<property> string "og:type": "website", OG tags of the site, if applicable (multiple parameters).
product:<property> string "product:retailer_part_no": "d7b23c08-deb6-4df4-8ced-c9d4ce340f3a" product metadata are a type of OG tags
ogTags string {\"og:type\":\"website\",\"og:title\":\"Synerise\",\"og:url\":\"\",\"og:image\":\"\",\"og:image:secure_url\":\"\"} All the OG tags collected into a single string, if applicable
ecookies string true Informs if cookies were enabled at the time of sending the event
title string Synerise Hub Title of the website
host string Website host
location string /eu-projects Resource location
user_hash string 8743b52063cd84097a65d1633f5c74f5 If the _ush cookie is set, the value is stored here.
identity string email The way that the profile was identified
identityHash string -1896583966 Identity hash is used to verify if the current user is the same as the last user who accessed a resource from the device.
referrer string The page that the user was on before being directed to the current resource
refdomain string Referrer domain
ref string /careers Referrer location
s_visits string 3 Number of visits in this session
visits string 82 Total number of visits
u24_visits string 7 Number of visits in the last 24 hours
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK various n/a If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically.


A mobile application user viewed an item. This is equivalent to a page.visit event generated for an item’s web page.

Default retention: 30 days

Retention guidelines:
Lowering the retention of this event affects the quality of AI recommendation models.

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
productId string 16874 ID of the viewed item. Must be the same as the item's itemId in the item feed and sku in transaction events.


The mobile application rendered and display a new view.

Default retention: 90 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
autotrackValue string SampleApp.BarcodeViewController Identifier of the screen that was viewed

This event is sent every time a mobile application user clicks a clickable object from a view.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
screenName string LoginView Name of the screen where the interaction occurred
controlType string button Type of the UI element that was tapped
actionType string close The action that the UI element performed


A website visitor has submitted a data form, for example a newsletter subscription.

Default retention: 30 days

Retention guidelines:
Lowering the retention of this event affects:

  • In Automations and Communication: filters based on recent profile updates.
  • In debugging:
    • Investigating marketing agreement and attribute updates.
    • Investigating what forms were submitted and which data they changed.
Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
formType string login_form Type of the form
formFieldsMapping string {\"skip\":\"skip\",\"skipAsAttribute\":\"skip-as-attribute\",\"email\":\"email\"} Mapping of the fields in the form
formData string {\"param\":\"value\"} Data sent in the form
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK various n/a If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically.


Timer events can be used to measure time between activities. They are implemented by your developers according to business needs. This event tells when a timer was used, there is no start/stop mechanism.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events


A “share” button was used to share content, for example to social media.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events


This event is deprecated. It may still occur in some integrations.


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