AI Search Engine statistics

The statistics module of the AI search engine allows you to break down the search results of the customers into data categories such as filter usage, popular searches, and so on. It also gives you an insight into the words and phrases the customers use.

This article explains the way the statistics are counted.


  • You receive an idea about how product data should be structured.
  • You can get to know how to configure ranking and relevance.
  • You can check whether your products are properly described or represented.
  • It helps you to keep the number of products balanced (to avoid having too much or too less of some products).


The table below shows events which must be sent to Synerise in order to make specific statistics work. The events are generated automatically when search results are sent back from Synerise and they are used by all models.

WARNING: In order to make the search statistics work properly and the results to be personalized, you have to send the customer’s UUID with the search request.
Event name: transaction.charge
CTR Green checkmark Red checkmark
Conversion Green checkmark Green checkmark
Conversion rate Green checkmark Green checkmark
Revenue Green checkmark Green checkmark
Avg. click position Green checkmark Red checkmark
Avg. order value Green checkmark Green checkmark
Searches Red checkmark Red checkmark
Clicks Green checkmark Red checkmark
Suggestions used Red checkmark Red checkmark
No results Red checkmark Red checkmark
Most popular searches Red checkmark Red checkmark


  1. Go to AI Search icon AI Search > Indexes.
  2. Select an index from the list.
  3. Select the Statistics tab.


By selecting Global in the Statistics tab, you can check general search statistics for the selected index. The interface displays metrics for a specific time period. The table below shows the description of the metrics.

Global statistics
Global statistics
Metric name Description
CTR (Click Through Rate) It is the ratio of the number of clicks in search results to all searches.
Conversions It is the effectiveness indicator that shows how many times a unique product was bought after clicking it in the search results. A purchased item is bound to the search click event when the item is purchased in 5 or fewer days since clicking the search result.
Conversion Rate It represents the ratio of the number of conversions to the total number of clicks on search results.
Avg. Click Position It is the average placement of a clicked item on a list of search results. This position is indicated by ordinal ranking, with the higher numbers representing lower positions in the search results. This metric is calculated by dividing the number of all positions to the number of all clicks on search results.
Avg. Order Value It is the average amount spent by customers on a single transaction. A higher value indicates that customers are making larger purchases per transaction. This metric is calculated by dividing the value of all transactions by the number of conversions.
No Results Rate It is the ratio of number of search requests that returned no results to the number of all search queries.
Average Revenue It is the ratio of conversions to the number of customers using the search.
Searches It is the number of search queries.
Clicks It is the number of clicks on the search results.
Suggestions Used When a customer sends a search query that doesn’t produce any results, an internal request for suggestions is made before showing the results.
This is the number of such requests.
No Results It is the number of search queries with no results and no suggestions.
Revenue It is the value of all transactions made after clicking the product in the search results.

By selecting Popular in the Statistics tab, you can check the statistics for popular queries, displaying a list of the most frequently used queries and their usage frequency. Details for each query are presented on a chart, accessible by clicking the arrow beside the query name.

Popular searches
Popular searches
Metric name Description
CTR (Click Through Rate) It is the ratio of the number of clicks in search results to all searches for this query.
Conversion Rate It represents the ratio of the number of conversions* to the total number of clicks on search results for this query.
Average Revenue It is the ratio of conversions* to the number of customers using the search for this query.

*Conversions- It is the effectiveness indicator that shows how many times a unique product was bought after clicking it in the search results. An item is counted as purchased if the time between clicking on the search result and completing the transaction is 5 days or fewer.

No results

By selecting No results in the Statistics tab, you can check the results on how many times a search query didn’t find any results, with or without the visitor to the website applying search filters available on the interface.

No result searches
No result searches
  1. Query - This column contains the list of all popular queries searched in the chosen period that returned no results.
  2. Count - This column shows the number of times a particular phrase was searched.


By selecting Filters in the Statistics tab, you can check how many times a particular item attribute and its value were used in the filters. Details for each attribute are accessible by clicking the arrow beside the item attribute name.


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