STEP 3 Integration checklist


In this step, we will show you examples of integration checklists. It is a basic one which can be necessary during the whole process of preparation for integration with Synerise. In the table below, you will find the elements which should be implemented, the implementation methods, additional comments, and links to documentation. Based on this table, you can create a task backlog for the team. You’ll learn more about each of the integration tasks in the next chapters.

Best practices

A few important notes before you start:

Arrow down iconThe steps described below are presented as a reference for an ecommerce sector integration.

Arrow down iconNot all the integrations are needed to kick your project off.

Arrow down iconCheck if some of the plugins can be used to simplify the integration.

Basic checklist

Integration Implementation Comments Documentation
Tracking code Source code/GTM Allows to track data from web.
Recommended implementation is via tracking code with the first party tracking.
Custom tracking domain
Product feed Import Feed allows to create product catalog in Synerise and implement AI campaigns.
Product ID must be the same in product feed, og:tags, and transactions.
Google Merchant XML is preferred.
Google Merchant requirements
Product feed import
Transaction events Google Data Layer (enhanced e-commerce)/API Events: transaction.charge
Possible implementation:
- Google Enhance Ecommerce
- Synerise Layer; possibility to prepare events, which look exactly like Enhanced ecommerce events
- API integration
Product ID must be the same in prodfuct feed, og:tags, and transactions.
SDK transactions
API transactions
OG:Tags Source code product:retailer_part_no is obligatory – it’s required for AI recommendations to recognize product context.
Product ID must be the same in product feed, og:tags, and transactions.
Cart events Google Data Layer (enhanced e-commerce)/API Events: product.addToCart, product.removeFromCart, cart.status (optional, useful for abandoned basket campaign)
Possible implementation:
- Google Enhance Ecommerce (product.addToCart, product.removeFromCart)
- Synerise Layer; possibility to prepare events, which looks exactly like Enhanced ecommerce events (product.addToCart, product.removeFromCart)
- API integration
Product ID must be the same in prodfuct feed, og:tags and transactions.
Data Layer
Cart status
Historical transactions CSV import/API Transactions are important to train AI models and count revenue. Transaction will be used for customers segmentation.
Product ID must be the same in prodfuct feed, og:tags, and transactions.
Email account SMTP You can use Synerise email account (Emaillabs as a provider) or any SMTP of your choice. DNS configuration is required to ensure the credibility of your sending domain. IP warm up is crucial for the new SMTP. Email account configuration
Forms SDK/API Possible integration methods:
- JS – added in source code or in GTM
- HTML – data-synerise added in the forms
- API backend integration
JS integration
API integration
CRM import File synchronization/API Client base CSV one time import.
SFTP synchronization
Import clients
Marketing agreements - Consent integration is important when you need to store data about agreements not only in Synerise. You should choose a proper integration methods to allow the synchronization of agreements betweeen the systems.
Additional events SDK/API For example: add to wishlist, loyalty events JS integration
API integration]
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