Insert usage examples

This section presents some practical examples and mechanisms of inserts.

In inserts, you use:

  • Jinjava elements (values), inserted in the following way: {{ ... }}
    Such a value will be printed in the place where it’s used.
  • tags, which are statements that allow you to use functions and build logic. They are inserted in the following ways: {% ... %}, {%- ... -%} (see “Tag delimiters”)
Tip: If you use Visual Studio Code as your editor, you can use code snippets to speed up working with inserts.
You can find the snippets in our Github repository:


Operators let you compare and manipulate values or add more complex logic.

Logic operators

See “If, else if, else: Combining conditions”.

Math operators

Operator Description Example
+ Adds numbers, lists, objects, or strings.1 {{ 1 + 2 }} = 3
- Subtracts numbers. {{ 2 - 1 }} = 1
/ Divides numbers, returns a floating point number. {{ 5 / 2 }} = 2.5
// Divides numbers, rounds to an integer. {{ 5 // 2 }} = 2
% Returns the remainder of a division. {{ 5 % 2 }} = 1
* Multiplies numbers. {{ 3 * 2 }} = 6
** Raises to a power. {{ 2 ** 3 }} = 8
() Groups formulas. {{ (2 + 2) * 2 }} = 8

1 The recommended way to concatenate strings is the ~ operator (see “Other”).

Comparison operators

Operator Description Example
==1 L(eft) is equal to R(ight) {{ 2 == 2 }} = true
!=1 L is not equal to R {{ 2 != 3 }} = true
> L is greater than R {{ 2 > 1 }} = true
>= L is greater than or equal to R {{ 3 >= 3 }} = true
< L is lower than R {{ 1 < 2 }} = true
<= L is lower than or equal to R {{ 3 <= 3 }} = true

1Can be used to compare strings, objects, and lists.

Other operators

Operator Description Example
in Checks if a value is in a list. {{ 2 in [1,2,3] }} = true
is Performs a test. {{ 4 is divisibleby 2 }} = true
~ Converts L and R into strings and concatenates them.
{%- set p = "world" -%}{{ "Hello, " ~ p ~ "!" }}
= Hello, world!

Objects and arrays

Object properties

You can access object properties in the following ways:

  • object.get('property') - accepts special characters in property names.
  • - doesn’t accept special characters in property names.
  • object['property'] - accepts special characters in property names.

If a property doesn’t exist, there is no output. This doesn’t cause an error, so if you need to verify if a property is defined, you can use tests such as is defined.


{% set exampleProduct = {'size':12,'prop:title':'Item'} %}

{{ exampleProduct.get('size') }}       // renders successfully
{{ exampleProduct['size'] }}           // renders successfully
{{ exampleProduct.size }}              // renders successfully

{{ exampleProduct.get('prop:title') }} // renders successfully
{{ exampleProduct['prop:title'] }}     // renders successfully
{{ exampleProduct.prop:title }}        // error in rendering the template (special character in name)

{{ exampleProduct.get('color') }}      // property doesn't exist, doesn't cause an error
{{ exampleProduct['color'] }}          // property doesn't exist, doesn't cause an error
{{ exampleProduct.color }}             // property doesn't exist, doesn't cause an error


You can access values from an array by referring to the index:

{% set exampleArray = [1,2,3] %}

{{ exampleArray[0] }} // output: 1
{{ exampleArray[2] }} // output: 3
{{ exampleArray[4] }} // no output

Nested arrays and objects

An object can contain objects and arrays:

{% set exampleObject = {'nestedObject':{'size':12}} %}

{{ exampleObject.nestedObject }}     // output: {size=12}
{{ exampleObject.nestedObject.size}} // output: 12

An array can contain objects and arrays:

{% set exampleArray = [{'size':12,'prop:title':'Item'},{'size':14,'prop:title':'Item2'}] %}

{{ exampleArray[0] }}      // output: {size=12, prop:title=Item}
{{ exampleArray[1].size }} // output: 14


To find out what expressions are and how to create them, read this article.

{% expression %} expression-hash {% endexpression %}

An expression that holds the value of an abandoned cart.

  Total amount: {% expression %} 4085025a-313e-4a63-a6b4-d19820853912 {% endexpression %}$


  Total amount: 345$

You can also use the expression result as a variable:

{% expressionvar expression-hash %}
    {{ expression_result }} {# the result of the expression is stored in this variable #}
{% endexpressionvar %}

The result of an expression that is a number can be rounded:

{% expressionvar 0abc195a-548e-460d-a904-1e285b8adb96 %}
    You have {{ expression_result|round }} loyalty points.
{% endexpressionvar %}


To find out what aggregates are and how to create them, read this article.


{% aggregate aggregate-hash %}
  {{ aggregate_result[0] }}
{% endaggregate %}


If an aggregate has dynamic elements (such as values from another aggregate or expression), then instead of using the aggregate tag:

  1. Create an expression that includes the aggregate with dynamic values.
  2. Insert this expression by using the expression tag.
Note: The aggregate result is always returned as a list.

An aggregate that holds a list of categories that have recently been added to the cart.

{% aggregate 0b352529-497e-3cbd-bf3d-fcb6072cef9e %}
  {%- for item in aggregate_result -%}
  <li>{{ item }}</li>
  {%- endfor -%}
{% endaggregate %}




You can use an insert to retrieve promotions assigned to a profile, including anonymous profiles.

Note: This tag is currently only available in Communication and Automation.


{%- set getFields=["code"] -%}
{%- promotions fields=getFields [optional arguments] -%}
{{ promotions_result }}
{%- endpromotions -%}


  • getFields is a variable that declares the promotion properties you want to include in the result.
    In this example, only one property is retrieved.
    Available fields

    • uuid
    • code
    • status
    • type
    • redeemLimitPerClient
    • redeemQuantityPerActivation
    • currentRedeemedQuantity
    • currentRedeemLimit
    • activationCounter
    • possibleRedeems
    • details
    • discountType
    • discountValue
    • discountMode
    • discountModeDetails
    • requireRedeemedPoints
    • name
    • headline
    • description
    • images
    • startAt
    • expireAt
    • displayFrom
    • displayTo
    • assignedAt
    • lastingTime
    • lastingAt
    • catalogIndexItems
    • params
    • price
    • priority
    • maxBasketValue
    • minBasketValue
    • itemScope
    • tags
    • handbillUuid

  • the fields argument (required, non-empty) uses the getFields variable in the function.
    This is the only way of using an array-type argument in a function.
  • optional arguments can be used to filter the results.
    See “Optional arguments”.
  • promotions_result is an object with all promotions assigned to a profile.
    You can retrieve up to 100 promotions. This can be changed by contacting Synerise Support.


{%- set getFields=["code","discountValue","images"] -%}
{%- promotions fields=getFields -%}
You have available promotions!<br>
{%- for i in promotions_result -%}
    Code: {{ i.code }}<br>
    Discount: {{ i.discountValue }} USD<br>
    <img src="{{ i.images[0].url }}"><br>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endpromotions -%}

Optional arguments

You can manipulate the results with the following optional arguments:

Name Type Default Description
limit Integer 20 The maximum number of promotions to retrieve.
status String No filtering Filter results by status: ACTIVE, ASSIGNED, REDEEMED.
sort Array of strings See description Sort results by field, choose direction with asc and desc, for example: priority,desc. You can also use fields that aren’t declared in the fields argument.
If not defined, the promotions are sorted by our AI. If the AI model isn’t trained, they are sorted by creation date, ascending.
This argument must be declared with {% set %} and used as a variable - the variable is an array with one string that consists of the field name and direction (see example below the table).
tagNames Array of strings No filtering Filter results to promotions with certain tags. Must be declared with {% set %} and used as a variable.
presentOnly Boolean No filtering When true, only promotions with startAt later than now and expireAt earlier than now are retrieved.
displayableOnly Boolean No filtering When true, only promotions with displayFrom later than now and displayTo earlier than now are retrieved.
uuids Array of strings No filtering Filter results to promotions with certain UUIDs. Must be declared with {% set %} and used as a variable.

Example: Retrieve promotions that are currently displayable, filter by tags, and sort by creation date:

{%- set getFields = ["code"] -%}
{%- set filterTags = ["foo","bar"] -%}
{%- set sort = ["createdAt,desc"] -%}
{%- promotions fields=getFields displayableOnly=true tagNames=filterTags sort=sort -%}
{{ promotions_result }}
{%- endpromotions -%}


Recommendations as Jinjava variable

This insert can be used to retrieve recommendations in HTML. If you need an insert that can be used in JSON requests (for example, generating a document), see Recommendations as JSON.

{% recommendations3 campaignId=campaignId %}
{% endrecommendations3 %}

You can find more information, examples, and advanced scenarios in Inserting recommendations.

Recommendations as JSON

If you need to retrieve the recommendation as a JSON object (for example, in documents), you can use the following insert:

{% recommendations_json3 campaignId=COhsCCOdu8Cg %} {% endrecommendations_json3 %}


A document has the following content.

"{% recommendations_json3 campaignId=FcP8UtRgrype %} {% endrecommendations_json3 %}"

The recommendation type of the requested campaign is “Top items”. It’s configured to return one item in a slot.

The output of the generated document is the following:

  "campaignId": "FcP8UtRgrype",
  "campaignHash": "0cfa5c65-a62a-47d6-93f5-fa98eb346d6b",
  "recommended": {
    "data": [
        "category": "Synerise Hub > Use cases",
        "itemId": "21baa503-9c26-42a4-aebe-1e04adb0bf2e",
        "link": "",
        "title": "Use cases"
    "extras": {
      "contextItems": null,
      "correlationId": "0cfa5c65-a62a-47d6-93f5-fa98eb346d6b",
      "slots": [
          "id": 0,
          "itemIds": [
          "name": "Unnamed slot"


To find out what catalogs are and how to create them, read this article.

Extracting values from catalogs

The following method lets you obtain a single value from a catalog.


{% catalog.catalogName(itemKey).columnName %}

Or as a variable that you can modify:

{% catalogvar.catalogName(itemKey).columnName %}
  {{ catalog_result }}
{% endcatalogvar %}


  • catalogName is the name of the catalog
  • itemKey is the value of the unique identifier of the item in the catalog.
    This is the value from the column which you selected as itemKey (for data imports by API) or Primary key (when importing data into the catalog in the Synerise Portal or with Automation).
  • columnName is the name of the column (attribute) in the item whose value you want to retrieve.

itemKey must always be entered as a variable.

{% set myitemKey = "1234" %}
{% catalog.catalogName(myitemKey).columnName %}
{% catalog.catalogName("1234").columnName %}


    {% aggregate 0b352529-497e-3cbd-bf3d-fcb6072cef9e %}
    {%- for sku_value in aggregate_result -%}
    <li id="{% catalog.myCatalog(sku_value).product:retailer_part_no %}">
        <a href="{% catalog.myCatalog(sku_value).og:url %}" title="{% catalog.myCatalog(sku_value).og:title %}">
            <img src="{% catalog.myCatalog(sku_value).og:image %}">
    {%- endfor -%}
    {% endaggregate %}

  1. An aggregate (line 2) returns a list of 10 SKUs of recently viewed products.
    The SKUs will be used as identifiers to retrieve more data about those products from a catalog and display them on a website.
  2. On line 3, a loop starts that runs for each SKU in that list.
    • sku_value is an example name of the iterator variable. You can change it. The value of the iterator is the SKU from the aggregate result.
    • aggregate_result is the name of the iterable. The aggregate insert from line 2 creates this iterable, always under this name.
  3. On lines 4-6, attributes from the myCatalog catalog are accessed:
    1. SKU was set to be the unique item identifier in the catalog when data was imported into myCatalog.
    2. sku_value is replaced with the current iterator value in each iteration of the loop, so the item identified by the SKU is accessed.
    3. The values of the following columns are retrieved:
    • product:retailer_part_no
    • og:url
    • og:title
    • og:image


    <li id="000097">
        <a href=",id-2369"
            title="Cleaning insert for shavers">
            <img src="">

Extracting items from catalogs as objects

You can retrieve an entire item as an object and extract values of multiple columns at once using the following syntax:

{% set key = 'itemKey' %}
{% catalogitemv2.catalogName(key) allowEmpty=False %}
    {% set object = catalog_result %}
    {{ object.get("objectColumn").propertyName }}
    {{ object.get("stringColumn") }}
{% endcatalogitemv2 %}


  • itemKey is the unique key of the item in the catalog
  • catalogName is the catalog name
  • objectColumn is the name of the column that stores an object
  • propertyName is the name of a property in the object
  • stringColumn is the name of the column that stores a string
  • allowEmpty is an optional parameter that manages the handling of non-existing items.

The above code, without any changes, will return foo and bar for the following catalog:

Screenshot of a catalog with one column that stores a string and one column that stores an object
Example of a catalog with one column that stores a string and one column that stores an object

To extract more values, add more object.get() statements.

Handling non-existing items in catalogs

By default, when a requested item does not exist in the catalog, the catalogitemv2 insert is not executed at all (communication is not sent).

You can change this behavior by setting the optional allowEmpty parameter to True. With this setting, the insert returns empty strings as the values of the item’s parameters. You need to add a logic to handle those empty strings.

The following code returns the string No item if the requested itemKey does not exist in the catalog and the requested name parameter is empty:

{% set key = 'itemKey' %}
{% catalogitemv2.catalogName(key) allowEmpty=True%}
  {% set object = catalog_result %}
  {%- if object.get("name") is defined -%}
    {{ object.get("name") }}
    {%- else -%}
    No item
  {%- endif -%}
{% endcatalogitemv2 %}


To find out what metrics are and how to create them, read this article.


{% metrics %} metrics-hash {% endmetrics %}

Or as a variable that you can modify:

{% metricsvar metric_id:metrics-hash %}
    {{ metric_result }}
{% endmetricsvar %}

A metric that holds the value of products sold in the last 30 days.

{% metricsvar metric_id:07e93207-4dd4-4239-ab1a-9267118276b0 %}

  {% set result = metric_result|int %}

  {%- if result > 4500 -%}
  Bravo! we achieved the set goal
  {%- else -%}
  {{ 4500 - result }} USD more to get a goal
  {%- endif -%}

{% endmetricsvar %}

Output (metric result is 2356):

2144 USD more to get a goal

Customer attributes

You can access customer attributes, such as the name, surname, email, phone number, and more and use them as variables.
By means of those variables, you can personalize the content, for example you can use the name of the customer in the greeting at the beginning of an email.


{% customer attr-name %}

A welcome message.

<div class="snrs-wrapper">
  <div id="snrsCornerMessage" class="snrs-corner-message-wrap">
    <div class="snrs-corner-message">
      <div class="snrs-corner-main">
        <div class="snrs-corner-message-text">
            Hello {% customer firstname %}!

Output (the result of the variable is “John”):

<div class="snrs-wrapper">
  <div id="snrsCornerMessage" class="snrs-corner-message-wrap">
    <div class="snrs-corner-message">
      <div class="snrs-corner-main">
        <div class="snrs-corner-message-text">
            Hello John!

Inserting attributes conditionally

If you’re not sure if an attribute is present in the profiles of all target customers, you can use conditional logic.
For example:

Hello {%- if customer.get('firstname') -%}{{ customer.firstname }}{%- else -%}user{%- endif -%}!


  • If the firstname attribute is John: Hello John!
  • If the firstname attribute does not exist: Hello user!
Tip: You can also use the try/catch tag.

Advanced use

You can check if a customer has an attribute set and act accordingly.
For example, this can be used to set up a single campaign for customers who have an attribute and those who don’t. Without the check, you would need to create two separate campaigns.

Example 1: Check if a customer belongs to a loyalty club and what kind of membership they have:

{%- if "club_member" in customer.keySet() -%} // checks if the club_member attribute exists
  {%- if customer["club_member"] == "highPriority" -%}
    <!-- insert HTML code -->
  {%- elif customer["club_member"] == "mediumPriority" -%}
    <!-- insert HTML code -->
  {%- elif customer["club_member"] == "lowPriority" -%}
    <!-- insert HTML code -->
  {%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}

Example 2: Check if the customer profile includes an entry about the city of residence:

{%- if "city" in customer.keySet() -%}
  Check the best prices in {{ customer["city"] }}!
{%- else -%}
  Check the best prices in your city!
{%- endif -%}

Code pools

To find out what code pools are and how to create them, read this article.

Normally, each code can only be retrieved once. You can override this behavior by binding the code to a profile. This code is stored separately, so you can bind a code and still assign other codes (only one code can be bound to a profile). For example, you can bind a code and use it to identify a profile, and still retrieve codes from other pools to use in marketing campaigns.

When a code is assigned or bound to a profile, a voucherCode.assigned event is generated.

WARNING: If your code pool is limited, testing email or dynamic content templates (including as a preview in the creator) consumes codes from the pool in the same way as when the communication is sent out to customers. You should use a separate pool for testing.

Assigning a code to a profile


{% voucher %} pool-uuid {% endvoucher %}

A promotion code from a selected code pool:

<div class="snrs-wrapper">
  <div id="snrsCornerMessage" class="snrs-corner-message-wrap">
    <div class="snrs-corner-message">
      <div class="snrs-corner-main">
        <div class="snrs-corner-message-text">
            Take your promotional code and use it durning the transaction to get a 50% discount!
            <strong>{% voucher %} 274a18d5-e8bd-4fec-82d1-cea0af19af01 {% endvoucher %}</strong>

Output (voucher result is “5510018091219”):

<div class="snrs-wrapper">
  <div id="snrsCornerMessage" class="snrs-corner-message-wrap">
    <div class="snrs-corner-message">
      <div class="snrs-corner-main">
        <div class="snrs-corner-message-text">
            Take your promotional code and use it during the transaction to get a 50% discount!

Using the code as a variable

By using the vouchervar tag, you can create a block of code in which the code can be accessed as the voucher_result variable.


{% vouchervar id=pool-uuid %}
  {{ voucher_result }}
{% endvouchervar %}

In this example, the voucher’s value is accessible as a variable and can be converted to capital letters.

{% vouchervar id=5fae8aba-b48e-4144-8d28-db24b1570ab0 %}
  <li>The voucher value is {{ voucher_result }}.</li>
  <li>When capitalized, it becomes {{ voucher_result|capitalize }}.</li>
{% endvouchervar %}

The output (the voucher’s value is “CapitalizeMe”) is:

  <li>The voucher value is CapitalizeMe.</li>
  <li>When capitalized, it becomes CAPITALIZEME.</li>

Retrieving the same code every time

Setting the assign variable to false binds a code from a pool to a profile (unless one is already bound) and retrieves that same code for this profile every time. This can be used, for example, to create unique codes that can be used to identify a profile.

Binding codes doesn’t have any influence on assigning codes (described earlier).

{% voucher assign=false %} pool-uuid {% endvoucher %}


To add a barcode of a voucher to an email template, paste the following code:

{% vouchervar id=pool-uuid  %} 
{% barcode code= {{voucher_result}}, gray=true, type=EAN_13, hrp=BOTTOM %}
{% endvouchervar %}

The result of that insert will be the HTML code for the image of the barcode.

If you want to get only the URL of the barcode, use the following code:

{% vouchervar id=pool-uuid  %}
{% barcodeurl code= {{voucher_result}}, gray=true, type=EAN_13, hrp=BOTTOM %}
{% endvouchervar %}

Explanation of parameters:

  • pool-uuid is the UUID of a voucher pool available on the platform (Data Management > Voucher pools).
  • gray defines the color of the barcode. Parameter values:
    • TRUE - The code is generated in grayscale.
    • FALSE - The code consists of black and white pixels.
  • type defines the type of barcode. Parameter values:
    • EAN_13
    • EAN_8
    • EAN_128
    • CODE_39
    • CODE_128
    • ITF_14
    • UPC-A
    • UPC-E
  • hrp (human readable part) defines the position of the readable part of the code for customers (usually it takes the form of a string of numbers). Parameter values:
    • NONE - There is no readable part of the code.
    • BOTTOM - The readable string is at the bottom of the barcode.
  • resolution defines the resolution of a bar code in dpi and indirectly affects the width of the narrowest bar.

Stopping communication from rendering

You can use the {% kill %} insert to completely stop the message from rendering, which means an email is not sent at all, a dynamic content is not displayed, and so on.

This can be useful when you want to terminate a communication when a certain condition is met.
For example, the following communication:

  • is terminated for customers whose result of an expression is less than 100.
  • informs a customer about the result of the expression if it’s 100 or more.
    {% expressionvar expression-hash %}
      {%- if expression_result < 100 -%}
        {% kill %}
      {%- else -%}
        You have {{ expression_result }} loyalty points.
      {%- endif -%}
    {% endexpressionvar %}
Note: The {% killit %} insert works identically.

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