Dynamic content events
Dynamic content on a web page was displayed to a visitor.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
firstTimeVisitor | boolean | true |
This parameter is only added to event if it's true . It means that the Include first time visitors in audience option is enabled in the Dynamic Content configuration and this event was generated for a first-time visitor. |
title | string | Release notification |
Title of the campaign |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
variantName | string | Variant A |
Name of the message variant |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
The user belongs to the global control group.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign |
campaignName | string | Important notice |
Name of the campaign |
type | string | global |
Type of the control group. global if the global control group was used;campaign if the control group was defined in the campaign settings. |
globalControlGroupId | string | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 |
Parameter reserved for future purposes. |
firstTimeVisitor | boolean | true |
This parameter is only added to event if it’s true and the global control group applies to this campaign. It is related only to campaigns directed to everyone and means that a first-time visitor was treated as part of the control group (content wasn’t displayed) |
Dynamic content on a web page was clicked by a visitor.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
firstTimeVisitor | boolean | true |
This parameter is only added to event if it's true . It means that the Include first time visitors in audience option is enabled in the Dynamic Content configuration and this event was generated for a first-time visitor. |
campaignName | string | Important notice |
Name of the campaign |
host | string | synerise.com |
Website host |
location | string | /eu-projects |
Resource location |
referrer | string | synerise.com/careers |
The page that the user was on before being directed to the current resource |
refdomain | string | synerise.com |
Referrer domain |
ref | string | /careers |
Referrer location |
name | string | Important notice |
Title of the campaign |
campaign | string | “0” | Deprecated parameter |
campaignHashID | string | a6ab2e6f-6712-4d7c-8367-615f158af496 |
ID of the campaign |
hash | string | a6ab2e6f-6712-4d7c-8367-615f158af496 |
ID of the campaign |
snrs_cp | string | a6ab2e6f-6712-4d7c-8367-615f158af496 |
ID of the campaign |
id | string | a6ab2e6f-6712-4d7c-8367-615f158af496 |
ID of the campaign |
identity | string | email |
The way that the profile was identified |
identityHash | string | -1896583966 |
Identity hash is used to verify if the current user is the same as the last user who accessed a resource from the device. |
user_hash | string | 8743b52063cd84097a65d1633f5c74f5 |
If the _ush cookie is set, the value is stored here. |
ssuid | string | a9cdcf44-7cba-4a33-b3b3-a9aa190d910c |
Session ID |
s_visits | string | 3 |
Number of visits in this session |
visits | string | 82 |
Total number of visits |
u24_visits | string | 7 |
Number of visits in the last 24 hours |
snrs_var | string | 5290795 |
ID of the dynamic content variant |
current | string | 1677527752 |
Unix time when the event happened |
init | string | 1677527752 |
The time of the first page visit (time from the customer’s browser) |
last | string | 1677527748 |
The time of the most recent page visit |
ecookies | string | true |
Informs if cookies were enabled at the time of sending the event |
encoding | string | UTF-8 |
Encoding of the message |
res | string | 1024x768 |
Screen resolution |
lang | string | pl_pl |
Language of the site |
long | integer | 45 |
Duration of the current session in seconds |
browser | string | Chrome |
Name of the browser |
browserVer | string | |
Version of the browser |
osver | string | 10_15_7 |
Version of the operating system |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
snr_sdk_version | string | 4.10.1 |
Synerise SDK version |
tck | string | B264B70A-42D8-B6B7-13E5-ACAAAAAAA59 |
Tracking code used to record this event |
type.id | integer | 9 |
Numerical ID of the communication type |
type.title | string | Dynamic content |
Communication type |
Event generated as a result of assigning a customer to a variant of an A/B/X test of a recommendation, AI Search, or dynamic content (for variant optimizer feature driven by AI engine).
Default retention 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
experimentId | integer | 930 |
ID of the A/B test |
variantId | integer | 2484 |
ID of the variant for A/B test |
variantName | string | FV5PIcmhmN0p |
ID of the recommendation campaign assigned to the test variant |