Event list

When you set up a new Workspace, some event definitions are immediately created. They are used by features such as tracking, analytics, automation, SDKs, and so on.

This article is a list of events generated by various elements of Synerise. The events and their parameters can be used in Analytics or viewed in event details on a Profile’s card.


Event name Description Default retention
snr.prediction.score A prediction was completed for a profile. Check the parameters to see the prediction score. 30 days
snr.propensity.score A propensity prediction was completed for a profile. Check the parameters to see the prediction score. 30 days
snr.lookalike.score A lookalike prediction was completed for a profile. Check the parameters to see the prediction score. 30 days
snr.ate.prediction A time optimizer prediction was made for a profile. Check the parameters to see the result. 30 days
Event name Description Default retention
item.search An AI search request was made. 30 days
item.search.click An item was clicked in an AI search result. 30 days
variant.assign A variant of A/B test has been assigned to a customer. 30 days


Event name Description Default retention
client.add A profile was added to the database. 30 days
client.identify A profile was updated with information that changed its status to “recognized”. By default, this happens when an email address is provided. 30 days
client.register A profile was registered successfully. This event is only generated for Registration-as-a-Service. 30 days
client.updateData Legacy event, replaced by profile.updated. 30 days
profile.updated A profile was updated. 90 days
client.addTag A tag was assigned to a profile. 30 days
client.removeTag A tag was removed from a profile. 30 days
client.merge Two or more profiles were merged into one. 30 days

Transactions, cart, favorites

Event name Description Default retention
transaction.charge A transaction was completed. This event is the summary of the transaction. Additionally, product.buy events are generated automatically for each item in the transaction. infinite
product.buy This event is generated for each item in a transaction. If multiple copies of the item were bought, they are summarized in a single product.buy event. infinite
transaction.cancel A transaction was cancelled and funds need to be returned. 30 days
product.addToCart A customer added an item to their cart. infinite
product.removeFromCart A customer removed an item from their cart. infinite
cart.status A summary of the cart’s current contents, generated every time after an item is added or removed. 30 days
product.addToFavorite A user added an item to favorites. 30 days
product.removeFromFavorite A user removed an item from favorites. 30 days


Event name Description Default retention
points.loyalty A profile’s loyalty point number increased. 30 days
client.removePoints A profile’s loyalty points were decreased. 30 days
points.sent Loyalty points were sent to a different profile. 30 days
points.received Loyalty points were received from a different profile. 30 days
client.activatePromotion A promotion was activated. 30 days
client.deactivatePromotion A promotion was deactivated. 30 days
client.promotionExpire A promotion expired for a profile. 30 days
client.promotionRequest A promotion request was made by a point of sales. 30 days
handbill.assign Promotions from a handbill were assigned to a profile. 30 days
voucherCode.assigned A voucher was assigned to a profile. 30 days
voucherCode.redeemed A voucher was redeemed. 30 days


Event name Description Default retention
attachment.expired An attachment has expired and cannot be used in the Send email node as a dynamic attachment. 30 days
attachment.failed An upload of an attachment failed and the file cannot be used in the Send email node as a dynamic attachment. 30 days
attachment.upload A base64 encoded file has been uploaded successfully and it is ready to be used as a dynamic attachment in the Send email node. 30 days
automation.clientStartPath A profile entered a workflow path. 2 days
automation.clientPathStep A profile completed a step (node) in a workflow path. 2days
automation.clientEndPath A profile completed a journey by reaching the End node in one of a workflow’s paths. 2 days
webhook.response An outgoing webhook from an Automation returned a response. 30 days


Event name Description Default retention
marketingAgreement.turnOn A marketing agreement was enabled in a profile. 30 days
marketingAgreement.turnOff A marketing agreement was disabled in a profile. 30 days
newsletter.unsubscribe The synerise unsubscribe link (generated with the {{ synerise-resign-link }} insert) was used to unsubscribe from a newsletter. 30 days
message.send An email was sent to a profile. 90 days
newsletter.capping An email was not sent due to message limits set for this type of communication. 30 days
newsletter.controlGroup An email was not sent because the recipient belongs to the control group. 30 days
message.skipped An email was not sent because Silence Hours were active. 30 days
newsletter.open An email was opened by a recipient. 90 days
newsletter.click A recipient clicked a link in an email. 90 days
message.notSent An email was not sent. 30 days
newsletter.dropped The recipient’s email address is on the denylist. 30 days
newsletter.hardbounce An email was not delivered because the email address is invalid or the recipient blocked receiving emails. 90 days
newsletter.softbounce An email was not delivered due to an overloaded inbox, server error, or email size. 90 days
newsletter.spambounce The recipient’s email server recognized the message as potential spam. The email is rejected and not saved, even in the spam folder. 90 days
Important: The newsletter.hardbounce, newsletter.softbounce, newsletter.spambounce, and newsletter.dropped events are generated depending on the selected provider.

Web push

Event name Description Default retention
webpush.subscribe Web push permission was enabled in a profile. 30 days
webpush.unsubscribe Web push permission was disabled in a profile. 90 days
webpush.subscribeBlock A profile rejected a web push subscription in the agreement form. 30 days
webpush.subscribeDiscard A web push subscription form was closed or no interaction with it occurred. 90 days
webpush.permissionAgree A profile allowed web push notifications in the browser’s native mechanism. 90 days
webpush.permissionBlock A profile denied web push notifications in the browser’s native mechanism. 30 days
webpush.permissionDiscard A web push subscription form (browser-native) was closed or no interaction with it occurred. 30 days
webpush.send A web push notification was sent. 90 days
webpush.capping A web push notification was not sent due to message limits set for this type of communication. 30 days
webpush.notSent A web push notification was not sent. The parameters explain the reason. 30 days
webpush.controlGroup A web push notification was not displayed because the recipient belongs to the control group. 30 days
webpush.skipped A web push notification was not sent because Silence Hours were active. 30 days
webpush.show A web push notification was viewed. 90 days
webpush.click A web push notification was clicked. 90 days
webpush.mismatchSenderId A web push message was not sent, because the Firebase project to which the profile was registered changed. 30 days
webpush.invalidRegistrationId A web push message was not sent due to an incorrectly assigned registrationId in Firebase. 30 days
webpush.notRegistered A web push notification was not sent due to an invalid Firebase token. 30 days
webpush.tokenDelete A Firebase token for web push notifications was deleted. 30 days
webpush.tokenUpdate A Firebase token for web push notifications was updated. 30 days

Dynamic Content

Event name Description Default retention
dynamicContent.show Dynamic content on a web page was displayed to a visitor. 90 days
dynamicContent.controlGroup The message wasn’t displayed because the recipient belongs to the control group. 30 days
dynamicContent.click Dynamic content on a web page was clicked by a visitor. 90 days
variant.assign A variant of A/B test has been assigned to a customer. 30 days


Event name Description Default retention
sms.send An SMS was sent to a profile. 30 days
sms.notSent An SMS was not sent. 30 days
sms.capping An SMS was not sent due to message limits for this type of communication in the workspace settings (not related to capping for a particular automation). 30 days
sms.click A link in an SMS was clicked. 30 days
sms.controlGroup An SMS was was not sent because the recipient belongs to the control group. 30 days
sms.skipped An SMS was not sent because Silence Hours were active. 30 days

Mobile campaigns

Event name Description Default retention
mobileCampaign.view A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was viewed. 30 days
mobileCampaign.clicked A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was clicked. 30 days
mobileCampaign.closed A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was closed. 30 days
mobileCampaign.finished A walkthrough was completed. 30 days
screen.content A screen view campaign was displayed 30 days
product.like A mobile app user clicked the “like” button in the content widget 30 days
product.dislike A mobile app user clicked the “dislike” button in the content widget 30 days

Mobile push

Event name Description Default retention
push.send A mobile push notification was sent to a profile. 30 days
push.capping A mobile push was not sent due to message limits set for this type of communication. 30 days
push.view A mobile push notification was shown in the system notification drawer. 30 days
push.notView Android 7.0+ only: A mobile notification was sent, but the device did not display it 30 days
push.click A mobile push notification was tapped. 30 days
push.button.click DEPRECATED A button in a simple push was tapped. 30 days
push.openInApp A mobile push notification was viewed in the app. 30 days
push.dismiss A mobile push notification was dismissed. 30 days
push.notSent A push notification was not sent. 30 days
push.imageTimeout An image in a mobile push notification could not be loaded. 30 days
push.controlGroup A mobile push notification was not sent because the recipient belongs to the control group. 30 days
push.skipped A mobile push was not sent because Silence Hours were active. 30 days
push.mismatchSenderId A mobile push message was not sent, because the Firebase project to which the profile was registered changed. 30 days
push.invalidRegistrationId A mobile push message was not sent due to an incorrectly assigned registrationId in Firebase. 30 days
push.notRegistered A push notification was not sent due to an invalid Firebase token. 30 days
push.tokenDelete A Firebase token for mobile push notifications was deleted. 30 days
push.tokenUpdate A Firebase token for mobile push notifications was updated. 30 days

In-app Mobile Campaigns

Event name Description Default retention
inApp.show An in-app message was shown. 30 days
inApp.capping An in-app message was not displayed due to capping. 30 days
inApp.click The content of an in-app message was tapped. 30 days
inApp.controlGroup An in-app message was not displayed because the recipient belongs to the control group. 30 days
inApp.discard An in-app message was closed. 30 days
inApp.hide An in-app message was hidden. 30 days
inApp.customHook A custom action (implemented by your app developers and included in the in-app definition) from an in-app message was triggered. 30 days
inApp.renderFail An in-app message was not displayed due to an error. This may be caused, for example, by an error in the Jinjava syntax or a connection problem. 30 days


Event name Description Default retention
recommendation.generated A recommendation set was generated for a profile. 30 days
recommendation.view A recommendation frame was displayed to a viewer. The parameters may include a list of the items in the frame, depending on your implementation. 30 days
recommendation.click A recommended item was clicked. 30 days
recommendation.seen Event from content widget. Sent by mobile SDKs separately for each item in a displayed recommendation. 30 days
variant.assign A variant of A/B test has been assigned to a customer. 30 days

Website and app interactions

Event name Description Default retention
session.start A visitor entered the website or a user opened the mobile application and a session was opened. The session ends when 30 minutes pass since the last activity. 30 days
session.end 30 minutes passed since the last activity and the session was closed. 30 days
client.applicationStarted A user opened the mobile application. 30 days
client.applicationCrashed Report about a mobile application crash, with additional data for troubleshooting. 30 days
click.errorReceiver The SDK couldn’t start an intent because of an ActivityNotFoundException. 30 days
client.login A user logged in to the website or mobile application. This event is only generated for OAuth and Registration-as-a-Service authentication. 30 days
client.anonymousLogin An anonymous profile generated a new authentication token. 30 days
client.simpleAuthLogin A user logged in with simple authentication 30 days
client.tryToLogInToInactiveAccount A profile tried to log in to an inactive account. 30 days
client.logout A user logged out from the website or mobile application. By default, this event is generated only when you use Synerise Registration-as-a-Service. 30 days
page.visit A user visited a website. 30 days
product.view A mobile application user viewed an item. This is equivalent to a page.visit event generated for an item’s web page. 30 days
screen.view The mobile application rendered and display a new view. 90 days
screen.click This event is sent every time somebody clicks a clickable object from a view. 30 days
form.submit A website visitor has submitted a data form, for example a newsletter subscription. 30 days
client.hitTimer Timer events can be used to measure time between activities. They are implemented by your developers according to business needs. This event tells when a timer was used, there is no start/stop mechanism. 30 days
client.shared A “share” button was used to share content, for example to social media. 30 days

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