Importing data to catalogs

By importing data to a catalog, you can:


  • You need user permissions that grants you access to Simple Imports and/or Automation.
  • Create a catalog.
  • Prepare a file with data:
    • To import a single file one time, prepare a .csv file.
    • To schedule import in Automation, prepare a file in one of the following formats: csv, .json, .jsonl, or .xml

Tips for preparing a CSV file

  • Recommended file metacharacters:
    • The character that separates columns (delimiter): ,
    • The character that is used to contain text (quotation mark): "
    • The character (escape character) that changes the default interpretation of a character or string which follows escape character: \
  • Spaces and special characters in the column headers are not allowed.
  • .csv files must be UTF-8 encoded
  • The file cannot contain empty fields. If you want to leave empty fields, enter the null value.
  • Maximum file size: 200 MB.


Selecting the file for import

In this part of the process, you will upload a file from your device.

  1. Go to Data Management icon Data Management > Data Import > New import.
  2. As the data type for import, select Catalog’s records.
  3. As the import method, select one of the following options:
    • Import a local file - To import a single .csv file to Synerise.
    • Import in Automation - To import a .csv, .json, .jsonl, and .xml files and execute periodical imports.
  1. Upload the .csv file by using the + Upload file or drop one here field.
  2. Optionally, you can customize the file metacharacters by clicking the arrow down icon.
    1. From the Delimiter dropdown, select the character that marks the end of a column.
    2. From the Quotation mark dropdown list, select the characters that contain the text or data type.
    3. From the Escape character dropdown lists, select the character which changes the default interpretation of a character or a string followed by the escape character.
  3. To proceed to the next step, click the Next button.

Selecting catalog

From the drop-down list, select the catalog to which you want to import your data. If you selected the Import option on the interface of a specific catalog (Data Management > Catalogs), the catalog will be selected automatically.

Selection of the catalog
Selection of the catalog

Selecting column with primary key

Select the name of the column which is treated as the primary key.

Selection of the column containing primary key
Selection of the column containing primary key

Launching import

After selecting the column that contains a primary key you can launch the import by clicking Run import.


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