Mobile campaign events
A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was viewed.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign |
campaignTitle | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title of the campaign in the Communication module |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
campaignType | string | Mobile push |
Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too. |
A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was clicked.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign |
campaignTitle | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title of the campaign in the Communication module |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
campaignType | string | Mobile push |
Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too. |
A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was closed.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign |
campaignTitle | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title of the campaign in the Communication module |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
campaignType | string | Mobile push |
Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too. |
A walkthrough was completed.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign |
campaignTitle | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title of the campaign in the Communication module |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
slideIndex | string | 0 |
Index of the slide which triggered the event. |
campaignType | string | Mobile push |
Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too. |
A screen view campaign was displayed.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
viewId | string | bb0640bf-9730-4a96-b2b6-5c9ea085c2f0 |
ID of the screen view that was selected from the feed |
name | string | Test campaign |
Name of the screen view |
priority | number | 99 |
Priority of the screen view |
audienceIds | string | array of strings | UUIDs of the segmentations that are the audience for this screen view. Sent only when at least one segmentation is selected. |
audienceQuery | string | {"analysis":{"title":"Unnamed segmentation","description":"","unique":true,"segments":[{"title":"Segmentation A","description":"","filter":{"matching":true,"expressions":[{"_id":"986e72a2-aabc-46eb-9525-158cfd5bb02f","name":"","type":"FUNNEL","matching":true,"funnel":{"_id":"4a12eb3b-aad2-4397-89ea-689b41107dc3","title":"Unnamed","completedWithin":null,"dateFilter":{"type":"RELATIVE","offset":{"type":"DAYS","value":0},"duration":{"type":"DAYS","value":30}},"steps":[{"_id":"8a3c0598-17a1-4fe2-becd-132b9d1e9ecf","title":"","action":{"id":232159,"name":"screen.content"},"eventName":"screen.content","expressions":[]}],"exact":false}}]}}]}} |
Query for the analytics engine. This is sent when you select “New audience” when creating the screen view. |
version | string | 1.0.0 |
Legacy parameter, always 1.0.0 |
A mobile app user clicked the “like” button in the content widget.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
productId | string | 16874 |
ID of the viewed item. Must be the same as the item's itemId in the item feed and sku in transaction events. |
name | string | Running shoes 14 |
Name of the item |
campaignId | string | mXRQzZjARZhz |
ID of the recommendation campaign |
campaignHash | string | 502f7dd3-19dc-4c69-87fd-a1f64f1a2cce |
Hash ID of the campaign |
A mobile app user clicked the “dislike” button in the content widget.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
productId | string | 16874 |
ID of the viewed item. Must be the same as the item's itemId in the item feed and sku in transaction events. |
name | string | Running shoes 14 |
Name of the item |
campaignId | string | mXRQzZjARZhz |
ID of the recommendation campaign |
campaignHash | string | 502f7dd3-19dc-4c69-87fd-a1f64f1a2cce |
Hash ID of the campaign |