Mobile campaign events

Note: Your integration may add custom parameters. The tables only list parameters that exist in Synerise and SDKs/APIs by default.


A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was viewed.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignTitle string Monthly newsletter Title of the campaign in the Communication module
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.


A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was clicked.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignTitle string Monthly newsletter Title of the campaign in the Communication module
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.


A mobile campaign banner or walkthrough was closed.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignTitle string Monthly newsletter Title of the campaign in the Communication module
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.


A walkthrough was completed.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignTitle string Monthly newsletter Title of the campaign in the Communication module
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
slideIndex string 0 Index of the slide which triggered the event.
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.


A screen view campaign was displayed.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
viewId string bb0640bf-9730-4a96-b2b6-5c9ea085c2f0 ID of the screen view that was selected from the feed
name string Test campaign Name of the screen view
priority number 99 Priority of the screen view
audienceIds string array of strings UUIDs of the segmentations that are the audience for this screen view. Sent only when at least one segmentation is selected.
audienceQuery string {"analysis":{"title":"Unnamed segmentation","description":"","unique":true,"segments":[{"title":"Segmentation A","description":"","filter":{"matching":true,"expressions":[{"_id":"986e72a2-aabc-46eb-9525-158cfd5bb02f","name":"","type":"FUNNEL","matching":true,"funnel":{"_id":"4a12eb3b-aad2-4397-89ea-689b41107dc3","title":"Unnamed","completedWithin":null,"dateFilter":{"type":"RELATIVE","offset":{"type":"DAYS","value":0},"duration":{"type":"DAYS","value":30}},"steps":[{"_id":"8a3c0598-17a1-4fe2-becd-132b9d1e9ecf","title":"","action":{"id":232159,"name":"screen.content"},"eventName":"screen.content","expressions":[]}],"exact":false}}]}}]}} Query for the analytics engine. This is sent when you select “New audience” when creating the screen view.
version string 1.0.0 Legacy parameter, always 1.0.0

A mobile app user clicked the “like” button in the content widget.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
productId string 16874 ID of the viewed item. Must be the same as the item's itemId in the item feed and sku in transaction events.
name string Running shoes 14 Name of the item
campaignId string mXRQzZjARZhz ID of the recommendation campaign
campaignHash string 502f7dd3-19dc-4c69-87fd-a1f64f1a2cce Hash ID of the campaign


A mobile app user clicked the “dislike” button in the content widget.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
productId string 16874 ID of the viewed item. Must be the same as the item's itemId in the item feed and sku in transaction events.
name string Running shoes 14 Name of the item
campaignId string mXRQzZjARZhz ID of the recommendation campaign
campaignHash string 502f7dd3-19dc-4c69-87fd-a1f64f1a2cce Hash ID of the campaign

We are sorry to hear that

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