Mobile push events

Note: Your integration may add custom parameters. The tables only list parameters that exist in Synerise and SDKs/APIs by default.


A mobile push notification was sent to a profile.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
campaignSubject string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
os string ios Operating system of the device
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
diagramId string c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable)
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow.
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
title string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message.
tokenAgeInDays integer 30 Number of days between updating the token and sending the notification.
tokenUpdateDate integer 1718479748868 Last update time of the token to which the notification was sent, as a Unix timestamp including milliseconds.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings


A mobile push was not sent due to message limits set for this type of communication.

WARNING: If messages are sent through the Automation module, this event may be generated for customers who do not have the required marketing agreement for receiving this message type. This is because the sending process checks the limits before the customers’ agreement status.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024.
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
cappingLimit integer 4 Limit of how many messages can be sent in the defined period
cappingPeriod integer 86400 Capping period, in seconds
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024.
diagramId string c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable)
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow.
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings


A mobile push notification was shown in the system notification drawer.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
os string ios Operating system of the device


This event is only generated for Android 7.0 or later.
A mobile push was sent, but the device did not display it due to the areNotificationsEnabled setting on the device.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
reason string "No system permission" In this event, the reason is always “No system permission”
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.
id string 728c91e-21e5-4675-836d-3ed987e44cc9 Unique identifier of the campaign
os string ios Operating system of the device

A mobile push notification was tapped.


This event is called in SDK versions older than (not including):

  • React Native SDK 0.23.0
  • Flutter SDK 1.3.0
  • Android SDK 5.20.0

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.
clickSource1 string push push if the notification was tapped, actionButton if a button in the notification was tapped
actionType1 string url The action type of the tap: url, deepLink, openApp
url1 string The URL of the tap, if the action is a URL or a deep link
actionButtonTitle1 string Open Text of the action button, if the source is an action button
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
os string ios Operating system of the device

1These parameters were introduced in SDK versions: React Native 0.23.0, Flutter 1.3.0, Android 5.20.0, iOS 4.19.0 (deprecated)

A button in an Android SDK/React Native SDK/Flutter SDK notification was clicked.


This event is replaced by since:

  • React Native SDK 0.23.0
  • Flutter SDK 1.3.0
  • Android SDK 5.20.0

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignTitle string Monthly newsletter Title of the campaign in the Communication module
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
actionButtonTitle string Open Text of the action button
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
os string ios Operating system of the device


A mobile push notification was viewed in the app.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignTitle string Monthly newsletter Title of the campaign in the Communication module
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
os string ios Operating system of the device


A mobile push notification was dismissed.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignTitle string Monthly newsletter Title of the campaign in the Communication module
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
campaignType string Mobile push Campaign type. Mobile push includes banners and walkthrough campaigns, too.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
os string ios Operating system of the device


A push notification was not sent. Check the parameters to locate the reason.

Important: When a message can’t be sent, it still counts towards communication limits!

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
campaignSubject string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
info string fcm responded with 500 Internal Server Error Details of the problem, for example an API response from the messaging provider
os string ios Operating system of the device
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test.
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
title string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message.
tokenAgeInDays integer 30 Number of days between updating the token and sending the notification.
tokenUpdateDate integer 1718479748868 Last update time of the token to which the notification was sent, as a Unix timestamp including milliseconds.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings


An image in a mobile push notification could not be loaded.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event in the following (or higher) versions of SDK: 5.19.0 (for Android), 4.18.0 (for iOS).
exception string timeout Summary of the timeout
os string ios Operating system of the device


A mobile push notification was not sent because the recipient belongs to the control group.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
type string global Type of the control group. global if the global control group was used;campaign if the control group was defined in the campaign settings.
globalControlGroupId string 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 Parameter reserved for future purposes.
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024.


A mobile push notification was not sent because Silence Hours were active. If the process of sending multiple messages overlaps with Silence Hours, sending is stopped in progress.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign
campaignSubject string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024.
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test.
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings
tokenAgeInDays integer 30 Number of days between updating the token and sending the notification.
tokenUpdateDate integer 1718479748868 Last update time of the token to which the notification was sent, as a Unix timestamp including milliseconds.


A mobile push message was not sent, because the Firebase project to which the profile was registered changed.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
registrationId string ew3Mp4LA6Hg:APA91bFeQCOsICtTU...BOTeMBwcAn6Q_FK3jrC-TfI4onOwNKDB6M3OTDf2GWCR_rCdqsaYUOnPh The registration ID that was used to try sending the message
campaignSubject string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
os string ios Operating system of the device
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
diagramId string c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
tokenAgeInDays integer 30 Number of days between updating the token and sending the notification.
tokenUpdateDate integer 1718479748868 Last update time of the token to which the notification was sent, as a Unix timestamp including milliseconds.


A mobile push message was not sent due to an incorrectly assigned registrationId in Firebase.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
registrationId string ew3Mp4LA6Hg:APA91bFeQCOsICtTU...BOTeMBwcAn6Q_FK3jrC-TfI4onOwNKDB6M3OTDf2GWCR_rCdqsaYUOnPh The registration ID that was used to try sending the message
campaignSubject string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
os string ios Operating system of the device
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
diagramId string c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
tokenAgeInDays integer 30 Number of days between updating the token and sending the notification.
tokenUpdateDate integer 1718479748868 Last update time of the token to which the notification was sent, as a Unix timestamp including milliseconds.


A push notification was not sent due to an invalid Firebase token.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
registrationId string ew3Mp4LA6Hg:APA91bFeQCOsICtTU...BOTeMBwcAn6Q_FK3jrC-TfI4onOwNKDB6M3OTDf2GWCR_rCdqsaYUOnPh The registration ID that was used to try sending the message
campaignSubject string Monthly newsletter Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
variantID/variantId integer 7044429 Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
variantName string Variant A Name of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
testDelivery boolean true Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
os string ios Operating system of the device
ignoreCapping boolean true Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
campaignName string Black Friday promotions Name of the communication campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
id string c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 Unique ID of the campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
journeyId string db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
diagramId string c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
Additional parameters string Custom value Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024.
tokenAgeInDays integer 30 Number of days between updating the token and sending the notification.
tokenUpdateDate integer 1718479748868 Last update time of the token to which the notification was sent, as a Unix timestamp including milliseconds.


A Firebase token for mobile push notifications was deleted.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
token string f_9fQEAtNBM:APA91bHAYC42Iw15s2IGg0KcY2v7...nziPOdVVAfeMFuYd57G3rP- The deleted token


A Firebase Cloud Messaging token for mobile push notifications was updated. This happens when:

  • A new token is received from Firebase.
  • A change occurred in authentication (new log-in, changed UUID, and so on).
  • An iOS application is started.
  • An application (iOS or Android) is started on a different device than the last device used by a profile.
    This means that push notifications are only sent to the last used device.
  • A new device is assigned to a profile.

Default retention: 30 days

Parameter Type Example Description
Base parameters various n/a Parameters that may exist in all events
domain string The domain for which the new token was generated
token string equYW_K6h5o:APA91bGSfXwpjDKnV5...8GyVLwNedEtnmMVwK6DWTSbEI The new token

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