Web push events
Web push permission was enabled in a profile. This happens as the final step of the subscription process or when the setting was changed by API/in the Profile card.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
Web push permission was disabled in a profile. This happens as the final step of disabling the subscription or when the setting was changed by API/in the Profile card.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
A profile rejected a web push subscription in the agreement form. This is sent by forms implemented additionally to the browser’s native web push permission.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
A web push subscription form was closed or no interaction with it occurred. This is sent by forms implemented additionally to the browser’s native web push permission.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
A customer allowed web push notifications in their browser. This refers to the browser’s native web push permissions.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
A customer denied web push notification permissions in their browser. This refers to the browser’s native web push permissions.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
A web push subscription form was closed or no interaction with it occurred. This refers to the browser’s native web push permissions.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
A web push notification was sent.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
variantName | string | Variant A |
Name of the message variant |
campaignSubject | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable) |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings |
title | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. |
A wepbush notification was not sent due to message limits set for this type of communication.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
cappingPeriod | integer | 86400 |
Capping period, in seconds |
cappingType | string | AUTOMATION_EMAIL |
The type of communication activity where the capping occurred. If the capping happened in Automation, the journeyId and diagramId are added to the parameters. |
cappingLimit | integer | 4 |
Limit of how many messages can be sent in the defined period |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign |
campaignSubject | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable) |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings |
A web push notification was not sent. Check the parameters to locate the reason.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
info | string | unexpected failure |
Short summary of the problem |
exception | string | TCP idle-timeout encountered on connection to [fcm.googleapis.com:443], no bytes passed in the last 5 seconds |
Exception message |
campaignSubject | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable) |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings |
title | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. |
A web push notification was not sent because the recipient belongs to the control group.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable) |
type | string | global |
Type of the control group. global if the global control group was used;campaign if the control group was defined in the campaign settings. |
globalControlGroupId | string | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 |
Parameter reserved for future purposes. |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
A web push notification was not sent because Silence Hours were active. If the process of sending multiple messages overlaps with Silence Hours, sending is stopped in progress.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign |
campaignSubject | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 23, 2024. |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign |
variantName | string | Variant A |
Name of the message variant |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings |
A web push notification was viewed.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
campaignTitle | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title of the campaign in the Communication module |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign |
id | string | 44a5938a-098c-4bd3-b7dd-cda405ee76a1 |
Unique ID of the message |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
variantName | string | Variant A |
Name of the message variant |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable) |
snrs_medium | string | email |
The communication medium (for example email, webpush) |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
A web push notification was clicked.
Default retention: 90 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
actionButton | number | 1 |
Information about the action button clicked in the notification. It’s value can be 1 or 2 , depending on which button was clicked. |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
campaignTitle | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title of the campaign in the Communication module |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign |
id | string | 44a5938a-098c-4bd3-b7dd-cda405ee76a1 |
Unique ID of the message |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant |
variantName | string | Variant A |
Name of the message variant |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable) |
mobile | boolean | true |
true if the event occurred on a mobile device |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. |
Parameters added by Synerise Web SDK | various | n/a | If the event was sent from a web page or an email with a tracking code, some parameters are added automatically. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings |
A web push message was not sent, because the Firebase project to which the profile was registered changed.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
registrationId | string | ew3Mp4LA6Hg:APA91bFeQCOsICtTU...BOTeMBwcAn6Q_FK3jrC-TfI4onOwNKDB6M3OTDf2GWCR_rCdqsaYUOnPh |
The registration ID that was used to try sending the message |
campaignSubject | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
A web push message was not sent due to an incorrectly assigned registrationId in Firebase.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
registrationId | string | ew3Mp4LA6Hg:APA91bFeQCOsICtTU...BOTeMBwcAn6Q_FK3jrC-TfI4onOwNKDB6M3OTDf2GWCR_rCdqsaYUOnPh |
The registration ID that was used to try sending the message |
campaignSubject | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
A web push notification was not sent due to an invalid Firebase token.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
registrationId | string | ew3Mp4LA6Hg:APA91bFeQCOsICtTU...BOTeMBwcAn6Q_FK3jrC-TfI4onOwNKDB6M3OTDf2GWCR_rCdqsaYUOnPh |
The registration ID that was used to try sending the message |
campaignSubject | string | Monthly newsletter |
Title (subject) of the message. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
variantID/variantId | integer | 7044429 |
Unique identifier of the message variant. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
testDelivery | boolean | true |
Informs if the message was sent as a communication test. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
ignoreCapping | boolean | true |
Informs if the communication was configured to ignore capping. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
campaignName | string | Black Friday promotions |
Name of the communication campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
id | string | c8f0b875-62e9-4dae-b9d5-241cbc9453b3 |
Unique ID of the campaign. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
journeyId | string | db0a9db2-8849-5c58-9871-e07d45d64bd7 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). If the Profile has a workflow in progress and enters it again, journeyId is the same, because it's the same workflow. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
diagramId | string | c819738e-2d61-482c-a680-75ebdbc9a762 |
Unique ID of the Automation workflow that caused this event (if applicable). Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
Additional parameters | string | Custom value |
Parameters added in the Additional parameters section of the campaign's settings. Added to this event since Jan 12, 2024. |
A Firebase token for web push notifications was deleted.
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
token | string | f_9fQEAtNBM:APA91bHAYC42Iw15s2IGg0KcY2v7...nziPOdVVAfeMFuYd57G3rP- |
The deleted token |
A Firebase Cloud Messaging token for web push notifications was updated. This happens when:
- A new token is received from Firebase.
- The profile context in the browser changes (another user visits the website from the same browser or the current user receives a new UUID).
Default retention: 30 days
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Base parameters | various | n/a | Parameters that may exist in all events |
version | string | 3.0.0 |
The version of service worker stored in the browser |
domain | string | www.yoursite.com |
The domain for which the new token was generated |
token | string | equYW_K6h5o:APA91bGSfXwpjDKnV5...8GyVLwNedEtnmMVwK6DWTSbEI |
The new token |