SDK Lifecycle


Class for additional initialization parameters.

Declared In:


class InitializationConfig


Property Type Description
requestValidationSalt string Simple Authentication salt


Declared In:


class Synerise


Property Type Description
Initializer SyneriseInitializer Returns the SyneriseInitializer object used for initialization
Settings SettingsModule Returns the Settings module when Synerise is initialized
Client ClientModule Returns the Client module when Synerise is initialized
Tracker TrackerModule Returns the Tracker module when Synerise is initialized
Notifications NotificationsModule Returns the Notifications module when Synerise is initialized
Injector InjectorModule Returns the Injector module when Synerise is initialized
Promotions PromotionsModule Returns the Promotions module when Synerise is initialized
Content ContentModule Returns the Content module when Synerise is initialized


This method sets the callback function that is invoked when the Synerise SDK is initialized.

public static onReady(callback: () => void)
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This method sets the callback function that is invoked when an error occurs while initializing the Synerise SDK.

public static onError(callback: (error: Error) => void)
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This method checks if Synerise is initialized.

public static isInitialized(): boolean

This method changes the Profile API Key (formerly Client API Key) dynamically.

public static changeApiKey(ApiKey: string, config?: InitializationConfig | undefined)


Class responsible for initialization of the SDK.

Declared In:


class SyneriseInitializer


This method sets Profile API Key (formerly Client API Key) for the SDK initialization.

public withApiKey(ApiKey: string)

Note: Before version 1.0.0, this method was called withClientApiKey.

This method sets the Synerise API base URL for SDK initialization in a custom environment.

public withBaseUrl(baseUrl: string)

This method sets the salt string for request validation.

public withRequestValidationSalt(requestValidationSalt: string)

This method enables or disables console logs from Synerise SDK.

public withDebugModeEnabled(debugModeEnabled: boolean)

This method enables or disables crash handling by Synerise SDK.

public withCrashHandlingEnabled(crashHandlingEnabled: boolean)

This method sets the required settings prior to the Synerise initialization.

public withSettings(settings: ISettingsOptions)

This method initializes Synerise.

public init()


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