

Declared In:


class BaseModule


Declared In:


class SettingsImpl


Property Type Description
sdk GeneralSettings General settings - This group contains options related to the general functioning of mobile SDK
notifications NotificationsSettings Notifications settings - This group contains options related to push notifications
tracker TrackerSettings Tracker - This group contains options related to tracking the customer activities in a mobile application
inAppMessaging InAppMessagingSettings In-app messaging - This group contains options related to the in-app messages feature
injector InjectorSettings Injector - This group contains options related to displaying campaigns

Learn more about settings here


Declared In:


class NotificationsImpl



This method passes the Firebase Token to Synerise for notifications.

void registerForNotifications(String registrationToken, [bool? mobileAgreement])
(Click for more details)

This method handles a notification payload and starts activity.

Future<bool> handleNotification(Map notification) async
(Click for more details)

This method handles a notification payload with a user interaction and starts activity.

Future<bool> handleNotificationClick(Map notification) async
(Click for more details)

This method verifies if a notification was sent by Synerise.

Future<bool> isSyneriseNotification(Map notification) async
(Click for more details)

This method verifies if a notification’s sender is Synerise and if the notification is a Simple Push campaign

Future<bool> isSyneriseSimplePush(Map notification) async
(Click for more details)

This method verifies if a notification’s sender is Synerise and if the notification is a Banner campaign.

Future<bool> isSyneriseBanner(Map notification) async
(Click for more details)

This method verifies if a notification’s sender is Synerise and if the notification is a Silent Command.

Future<bool> isSilentCommand(Map notification) async
(Click for more details)

This method verifies if a notification’s sender is Synerise and if the notification is a Silent SDK Command.

Future<bool> isSilentSDKCommand(Map notification) async
(Click for more details)


Declared In:

Related To:
ClientPasswordResetConfirmationContext Token

Inherits From:


class ClientImpl extends BaseModule 


This method registers a new customer with an email, password, and optional data.

Future<void> registerAccount(ClientAccountRegisterContext context) async
(Click for more details)

This method confirms a customer account with the confirmation token.

Future<void> confirmAccount(String token) async
(Click for more details)

This method activates a customer with email.

Future<void> activateAccount(String email) async
(Click for more details)

This method requests a customer’s account registration process with the PIN code.

Future<void> requestAccountActivationByPin(String email) async 
(Click for more details)

This method confirms a customer’s account registration process with the PIN code.

Future<void> confirmAccountActivationByPin(String email, String pinCode) async 
(Click for more details)

This method signs a customer in to obtain a JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be used in subsequent requests.

Future<void> signIn(String email, String password) async
(Click for more details)

This method signs a customer in to obtain a JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be used in subsequent requests.

Future<ClientConditionalAuthResult> signInConditionally(String email, String password) async 
(Click for more details)

This method authenticates a customer with OAuth, Facebook, Google, Apple, or Synerise.

Future<bool> authenticate(ClientAuthContext clientAuthContext, IdentityProvider identityProvider, String tokenString) async
(Click for more details)

This method authenticates a customer with OAuth, Facebook, Google, Apple, or Synerise.

Future<ClientConditionalAuthResult> authenticateConditionally(
ClientAuthContext clientAuthContext, IdentityProvider identityProvider, String tokenString) async 
(Click for more details)

This method authenticates a customer with Simple Authentication.

Future<void> simpleAuthentication(ClientSimpleAuthenticationData clientSimpleAuthenticationData, String authID) async 
(Click for more details)

This method checks if a customer is signed in (via RaaS, OAuth, Facebook, Apple).

Future<bool> isSignedIn() async
(Click for more details)

This method checks if a customer is signed in (via Simple Authentication).

Future<bool> isSignedInViaSimpleAuthentication() async 
(Click for more details)

This method signs out a customer out.

Future<void> signOut() async
(Click for more details)

This method signs out a customer out with a chosen mode and Determines if the method should sign out all devices

Future<void> signOutWithMode(ClientSignOutMode mode, bool fromAllDevices) async 
(Click for more details)

This method refreshes the customer’s current token.

Future<void> refreshToken() async
(Click for more details)

This method retrieves the customer’s current, active token.

Future<Token> retrieveToken() async
(Click for more details)

This method retrieves the customer’s current UUID.

Future<String> getUUID() async
(Click for more details)

This method regenerates the UUID and clears the authentication token, login session, custom email, and custom identifier.

Future<void> regenerateUUID() async
(Click for more details)

This method regenerates the UUID and clears the authentication token, login session, custom email, and custom identifier.

Future<void> regenerateUUIDWithClientIdentifier(String clientIdentifier) async 
(Click for more details)

This method destroys the session completely.

Future<void> destroySession() async
(Click for more details)

This method gets a customer’s account information.

Future<ClientAccountInformation> getAccount() async
(Click for more details)

This method updates a customer’s account information.

Future<void> updateAccount(ClientAccountUpdateContext clientAccountUpdateContext) async
(Click for more details)

This method requests a customer’s password reset with email.

Future<void> requestPasswordReset(String email) async
(Click for more details)

This method confirm a customer’s password reset with the new password and token provided by password reset request.

Future<void> confirmPasswordReset(String token, String password) async
(Click for more details)

This method changes a customer’s password.

Future<void> changePassword(String oldPassword, String password) async
(Click for more details)

This method requests a customer’s email change.

Future<void> requestEmailChange(String email, String password, [String? externalToken, String? authID]) async 
(Click for more details)

This method confirms an email change.

Future<void> confirmEmailChange(String token, bool newsletterAgreement) async 
(Click for more details)

Requests a customer’s phone update. A confirmation code is sent to the phone number.

Future<void> requestPhoneUpdate(String phone) async 
(Click for more details)

This method confirms a phone number update. This action requires the new phone number and confirmation code as parameters.

Future<void> confirmPhoneUpdate(String phone, String confirmationCode, bool smsAgreement) async 
(Click for more details)

This method deletes a customer’s account.

Future<void> deleteAccount(String clientAuthFactor, IdentityProvider identityProvider, String? authId) async
(Click for more details)


Declared In:

Related To:

Inherits From:


class TrackerImpl extends BaseModule


This method sets a custom identifier in the parameters of every event.

Future<void> setCustomIdentifier(String customIdentifier) async
(Click for more details)

This method sets a custom email in the parameters of every event.

Future<void> setCustomEmail(String customEmail) async
(Click for more details)

This method sends an event.

Future<void> send(Event event) async
(Click for more details)

This method forces sending the events from the queue to the server.

Future<void> flush() async
(Click for more details)


Declared In:

Inherits From:


class InjectorImpl extends BaseModule



This method fetches a walkthrough.

void getWalkthrough() async
(Click for more details)

This method shows a walkthrough when it is loaded.

void showWalkthrough() async
(Click for more details)

This method checks if a walkthrough is loaded.

Future<bool> isWalkthroughLoaded() async
(Click for more details)

This method checks if the walkthrough is unique compared to the previous one.

Future<bool> isLoadedWalkthroughUnique() async
(Click for more details)


The module for handling promotions and vouchers from Synerise SDK.

Declared In:

Related To:

Inherits From:


class PromotionsImpl extends BaseModule


This method retrieves all available promotions that are defined for a customer.

Future<PromotionResponse> getAllPromotions() async
(Click for more details)

This method retrieves promotions that match the parameters defined in an API query.

Future<PromotionResponse> getPromotions(PromotionsApiQuery promotionsApiQuery) async
(Click for more details)

This method retrieves the promotion with the specified UUID.

Future<Promotion> getPromotionByUUID(String uuid) async
(Click for more details)

This method retrieves the promotion with the specified code.

Future<Promotion> getPromotionByCode(String code) async
(Click for more details)

This method activates the promotion with the specified UUID.

Future<void> activatePromotionByUUID(String uuid) async
(Click for more details)

This method activates the promotion with the specified code.

Future<void> activatePromotionByCode(String code) async
(Click for more details)

This method activates promotions with a code or with UUID in a batch.

Future<void> activatePromotionsBatch(List<PromotionIdentifier> promotionsToActivate) async
(Click for more details)

This method deactivates the promotion with the specified UUID.

Future<void> deactivatePromotionByUUID(String uuid) async
(Click for more details)

This method deactivates the promotion with the specified code.

Future<void> deactivatePromotionByCode(String code) async
(Click for more details)

This method deactivates promotions with a code or with UUID in a batch.

Future<void> deactivatePromotionsBatch(List<PromotionIdentifier> promotionsToDeactivate) async
(Click for more details)

This method retrieves an assigned voucher code or assigns a voucher from a pool identified by UUID to the profile.

When the voucher is assigned for the first time, a voucherCode.assigned event is produced.

Future<AssignVoucherResponse> getOrAssignVoucher(String poolUuid) async
(Click for more details)

This method assigns a voucher from a pool identified by UUID to the profile.

A voucherCode.assigned event is produced.

Future<AssignVoucherResponse> assignVoucherCode(String poolUuid) async
(Click for more details)

This method retrieves voucher codes for a customer.

Future<VoucherCodesResponse> getAssignedVoucherCodes() async
(Click for more details)


The module for handling content from Synerise backend such as documents, recommendations, and so on.

Declared In:

Related To:

Inherits From:


class ContentImpl extends BaseModule


This method generates the document that is defined for the provided slug.

Future<Document> generateDocument(String slug) async
(Click for more details)

This method generates the document that is defined for parameters provided in the query object.

Future<void> generateDocumentWithApiQuery(DocumentApiQuery apiQuery, ([ScreenView](/developers/mobile-sdk/class-reference/flutter/miscellaneous/#screenview)), ([SyneriseError](/developers/mobile-sdk/class-reference/flutter/miscellaneous/#syneriseerror) error)) async
(Click for more details)

This method generates recommendations that are defined for the options provided.

Future<RecommendationResponse> getRecommendationsV2(RecommendationOptions recommendationOptions) async 
(Click for more details)

This method generates the document assigned to a slug.

Future<Map<String, Object>> getDocument(String slugName) async
(Click for more details) - **DEPRECATED in version 0.6.0 **

This method generates documents that are defined for parameters provided in the query object.

Future<List<Map<String, Object>>> getDocuments(DocumentsApiQuery documentsApiQueryModel) async
(Click for more details) - **DEPRECATED in version 0.6.0 **

This method generates recommendations that are defined for the options provided.

Future<RecommendationResponse> getRecommendations(RecommendationOptions recommendationOptions) async
(Click for more details) - **DEPRECATED in version 0.6.0 **

This method generates the customer’s highest-priority screen view campaign.

Future<ScreenViewResponse> getScreenView() async
(Click for more details) - **DEPRECATED in version 0.6.0 **

This method generates customer’s highest-priority screen view campaign that is defined for parameters provided in the query object.

Future<void> generateScreenViewWithApiQuery(ScreenViewApiQuery apiQuery, ([Document](/developers/mobile-sdk/class-reference/flutter/recommendations-and-documents/#document)), ([SyneriseError](/developers/mobile-sdk/class-reference/flutter/miscellaneous/#syneriseerror) error)) async
(Click for more details)


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