Flutter listeners


A listener to handle actions from the notifications module.

Synerise.notifications.listener((listener) {
  // The following method is called when registration for Push Notifications is needed.
  listener.onRegistrationRequired = () {
Note: After invoking onRegistrationRequired() function, you must invoke the Synerise.notifications.registerForNotifications(registrationToken, mobileAgreement) method again.


A listener to handle URL and deeplink actions from the injector module.

Synerise.injector.listener((listener) {
  // The following method is called when Synerise handles URL action from campaign activities
  // It is required function
  listener.onOpenUrl = (url) {
  // The following method is called when Synerise handles deep link action from campaign activities
  // It is required function
  listener.onDeepLink = (deepLink) {


A listener to handle the states of in-app messages.

Synerise.injector.inAppMessageListener((listener) {
  // The following method is called after an in-app message appears
  listener.onPresent = (data) {
  // The following method is called after an in-app message disappears
  listener.onHide = (data) {
  // This method is called when the SRInApp.openUrl(url) method is used in an in-app message.
  listener.onOpenUrl = (data, url) {
  // This method is called when the SRInApp.openDeeplink(url) method is used in an in-app message.
  listener.onDeepLink = (data, deepLink) {
  // This method is called when the
  // SRInApp.handleCustomAction(name, params) method is used in an in-app message.
  listener.onCustomAction = (data, name, parameters) {


Note: InjectorWalkthroughListener was removed in SDK version 2.0.0.


Note: InjectorBannerListener was removed in SDK version 2.0.0.

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