Customer account management

Get customer account information

This method gets a customer’s account information.

This method requires customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the API_PERSONAL_INFORMATION_CLIENT_READ permission from the Client group.

Method name:


public static IDataApiCall<GetAccountInformation> getAccount()

No parameters required.

Return Value:
IDataApiCall<GetAccountInformation> object to execute the request.


private IDataApiCall<GetAccountInformation> getAccountCall;
private void getAccount(boolean isFacebook) {
        if (getAccountCall != null) getAccountCall.cancel();
        getAccountCall = Client.getAccount();
        getAccountCall.execute(({ this.onGetAccountSuccessful() }), ({ this.onGetAccountFailure() });

Get customer’s events

This method retrieves events for an authenticated customer.

This method requires customer authentication.

Method name:


public static IDataApiCall<List<ClientEventData>> getEvents(ClientEventsQuery clientEventsQuery)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
clientEventsQuery ClientEventsQuery yes - Object to create clientEvent query

Return Value:
IDataApiCall<List<ClientEventData» object to execute the request.


private IDataApiCall<List<ClientEventData>> getEventClientsCall;
    if (getEventClientsCall != null) getEventClientsCall.cancel();
    getEventClientsCall = Client.getEvents(clientEventsQuery);
    getEventClientsCall.execute(({ this.onSuccess() }), ({ this.onFailure() });

Update customer account basic information

This method updates a customer’s account’s basic information (without identification data: uuid, customId, email).

This method requires the context object with the customer’s account information. Omitted fields are not modified.

This method does not require customer authentication and can be used by anonymous profiles.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 4.22.0 5.21.0 0.24.0 1.4.0
Note: The API key must have the API_BASIC_INFORMATION_CLIENT_UPDATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:


public static IApiCall updateAccountBasicInformation(@NonNull UpdateAccountBasicInformation accountInformation)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
accountInformation UpdateAccountBasicInformation yes - Builder Pattern object with the Customer’s basic account information

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


if (apiCall != null) apiCall.cancel();
            apiCall = Client.updateAccountBasicInformation(accountInformation);
            apiCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Update customer account information

This method updates a customer’s account information.

This method requires the context object with the customer’s account information. Omitted fields are not modified.

This method requires customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the API_PERSONAL_INFORMATION_CLIENT_UPDATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:


public static IApiCall updateAccount(@NonNull UpdateAccountInformation accountInformation)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
accountInformation UpdateAccountInformation yes - Builder Pattern object with the Customer’s account information

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


if (apiCall != null) apiCall.cancel();
            apiCall = Client.updateAccount(accountInformation);
            apiCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Change customer’s account password

This method changes a customer’s password.

This method requires customer authentication.

Note: Returns the HTTP 403 status code if the provided old password is invalid.
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CHANGE_PASSWORD_CLIENT_UPDATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:
Client.changePassword(oldPassword, password)


public static IApiCall changePassword(@NonNull String oldPassword, @NonNull String password)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
oldPassword String yes - Client’s old password
password String yes Client’s new password

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


private IApiCall apiCall;
if (apiCall != null) apiCall.cancel();
            apiCall = Client.changePassword(oldPassword, password);
            apiCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Request password reset for customer account

This method requests a customer’s password reset with email. The customer will receive a token to the provided email address. That token is then used for the confirmation of password reset.

This method requires the customer’s email.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_PASSWORD_RESET_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:


public static IApiCall requestPasswordReset(@NonNull PasswordResetRequest resetRequest)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
resetRequest PasswordResetRequest yes - PasswordResetRequest object with the Client’s email.

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


if (call != null) call.cancel();
        call = Client.requestPasswordReset(new PasswordResetRequest(email));
        call.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Confirm password reset for customer account

This method confirm a customer’s password reset with the new password and token provided by password reset request.

This method requires the customer’s new password and the confirmation token received by e-mail.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_PASSWORD_RESET_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:


public static IApiCall confirmPasswordReset(@NonNull PasswordResetConfirmation resetConfirmation)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
resetConfirmation PasswordResetConfirmation yes - PasswordResetConfirmation object with the Client’s new password and confirmation token.

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


private IApiCall call;
if (call != null) call.cancel();
            call = Client.confirmPasswordReset(confirmation);
            call.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Request email change for customer account

This method requests a customer’s email change.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: Returns the HTTP 403 status code if the provided token or the password is invalid.
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CHANGE_EMAIL_CLIENT_UPDATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:
Client.requestEmailChange(email, password, externalToken, authId)


public static IApiCall requestEmailChange(String email, String password, @Nullable String externalToken, @Nullable String authId)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
email String yes - Customer’s email
password String yes - Customer’s password
externalToken String no - ExternalToken should be used for Facebook, Oauth. For Synerise account, pass null
authId String no - Optional identifier of authorization. For Synerise account, pass null.

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall apiCall;
apiCall = Client.requestEmailChange(email, password, null, null);
            apiCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Confirm email change for customer account

This method confirms an email change.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: Returns the HTTP 403 status code if the provided token is invalid.
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CHANGE_EMAIL_CLIENT_UPDATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:
Client.confirmEmailChange(token, newsletterAgreement)


public static IApiCall confirmEmailChange(String token, boolean newsletterAgreement)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
token String yes - Token from customer’s email
newsletterAgreement boolean yes - Newsletter agreement

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall apiCall;
apiCall = Client.confirmEmailChange(token, newsletterAgreement.isChecked());
            apiCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Request phone update on customer account

This method requests a customer’s phone update. A confirmation code is sent to the phone number.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the API_PERSONAL_PHONE_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:


public static IApiCall requestPhoneUpdate(String phone)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
phone String yes - Customer’s phone number.

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall apiCall;
apiCall = Client.requestPhoneUpdate(phone);
        apiCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Confirm phone update on customer account

This method confirms a phone number update. This action requires the new phone number and confirmation code as parameters.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: Returns the HTTP 403 status code if the provided UUID does not exist or the password is invalid.
Note: The API key must have the API_PERSONAL_PHONE_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Method name:
Client.confirmPhoneUpdate(phone, confirmationCode, smsAgreement)


public static IApiCall confirmPhoneUpdate(String phone, String confirmationCode, @Nullable Boolean smsAgreement)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
phone String yes - Phone number that will be confirmed
confirmationCode String yes - Code received in SMS
smsAgreement Boolean no - Optional SMS marketing agreement

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall apiCall;
apiCall = Client.confirmPhoneUpdate(phone, code, enableAgreement.isChecked() ? null : smsAgreement.isChecked());
            apiCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Delete customer account by Identity Provider

This method deletes a customer’s account.

This method requires customer authentication.

Note: HTTP 403 status code is returned if the provided password or token is invalid.

Method name:
Client.deleteAccount(clientAuthFactor, clientIdentityProvider, authId)


public static IApiCall deleteAccount(String clientAuthFactor, ClientIdentityProvider clientIdentityProvider, @Nullable String authId)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
clientAuthFactor String yes - In case of oauth, fb, or google this is token. If you have synerise account this is password.
clientIdentityProvider ClientIdentityProvider yes - Provider of your account. Example: FACEBOOK, OAUTH, SYNERISE, GOOGLE
authId String no - Customer’s optional unique identifier

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall deleteCall = Client.deleteAccount(password, ClientIdentityProvider.SYNERISE, null);
            deleteCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Removed methods

Delete customer account

This method deletes a customer’s account.

This method requires customer authentication.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 3.6.11 3.6.13 0.9.12 n/a
Deprecated in: 3.6.19 3.6.19 0.14.0 n/a
Removed in: 5.0.0 6.0.0 n/a n/a
Note: Returns the HTTP 403 status code is returned if the provided password is invalid.
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CLIENT_DELETE permission from the Client group.

Replaced By:
Delete customer account by Identity Provider

Method name:


public static IApiCall deleteAccount(String password)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
password String yes - Customer’s current password.

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall deleteCall = Client.deleteAccount(password);
            deleteCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Delete customer account by OAuth

This method deletes a customer’s account by OAuth.

This method requires customer authentication.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 3.6.11 3.6.13 0.9.12 n/a
Deprecated in: 3.6.19 3.6.19 0.14.0 n/a
Removed in: 5.0.0 6.0.0 n/a n/a
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CLIENT_DELETE and SAUTH_OAUTH_CLIENT_DELETE permissions from the Client group.

Replaced By:
Delete customer account by Identity Provider

Method name:
Client.deleteAccountByOAuth(accessToken, uuid)


public static IApiCall deleteAccountByOAuth(String accessToken, @Nullable String uuid)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
accessToken String yes - user’s token
uuid String no Optional Customer UUID, internal UUID is used if this parameter is null

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall deleteCall = Client.deleteAccountByOAuth(accessToken, uuid)
            deleteCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);

Delete customer account by Facebook

This method deletes a customer’s account by Facebook.

This method requires customer authentication.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 3.3.8 3.3.0 0.9.12 n/a
Deprecated in: 3.6.19 3.6.19 0.14.0 n/a
Removed in: 5.0.0 6.0.0 n/a n/a
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CLIENT_DELETE and SAUTH_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_DELETE permissions from the Client group.

Replaced By:
Delete customer account by Identity Provider

Method name:
Client.deleteAccountByFacebook(facebookToken, uuid)


public static IApiCall deleteAccountByFacebook(String facebookToken, @Nullable String uuid)


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
facebookToken String yes - Customer’s facebook token
uuid String no Optional Customer UUID, internal UUID is used if this parameter is null

Return Value:
IApiCall object to execute the request.


IApiCall deleteCall = Client.deleteAccountByFacebook(facebookToken, uuid)
            deleteCall.execute(this::onSuccess, this::onFailure);


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