Customer authentication

Register customer account

This method registers a new customer with an email, password, and optional data.

This method requires the context object with a customer’s email, password, and optional data. Omitted fields are not modified.

Depending on the backend configuration, the account may require activation. For details, see customer registration.

Do not allow signing in again (or signing up) when a customer is already signed in. Sign the customer out first.

Do not create multiple instances nor call this method multiple times before execution.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_REGISTER_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Declared In:



Future<void> registerAccount(ClientAccountRegisterContext context, {required void Function() onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
context ClientAccountRegisterContext yes - Object with the customer’s email, password, and other optional data
onSuccess Function() yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed successfully
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed with an error

Return Value:
No value is returned.


ClientAccountRegisterContext clientAccountRegisterContext = ClientAccountRegisterContext(email: email, password: password);

await Synerise.client.registerAccount(clientAccountRegisterContext, onSuccess: () {
  //onSuccess handling
}, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
  //onError handling

Confirm customer account

This method confirms a customer account with the confirmation token.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: Returns the HTTP 400 status code if the account is already confirmed or 404 if the account does not exist.
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CONFIRMATION_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Declared In:



Future<void> confirmAccount(String token, {required void Function() onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
token String yes - Customer’s token provided by email
onSuccess Function() yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed successfully
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed with an error

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    await Synerise.client.confirmAccount(token, onSuccess: () {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

Activate customer account

This method requests sending an email with a URL that confirms the registration and activates the account.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_CONFIRMATION_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Declared In:



 Future<void> activateAccount(String email,
      {required void Function() onSuccess,
      required void Function(SyneriseError error) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
email String yes - Customer’s email
onSuccess Function() yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed successfully
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed with an error

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    await Synerise.client.synerise-flutter-sdkAccount(email, onSuccess: () {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

Request customer account activation by pin

This method requests a customer’s account registration process with the PIN code.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_PIN_CODE_RESEND_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Declared In:



Future<void> requestAccountActivationByPin(String email, {required void Function() onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
email String yes Customer’s email
onSuccess Function() yes -
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes -

Return Value:
No value is returned.


await Synerise.client.requestAccountActivationByPin(email, onSuccess: () {
  //onSuccess handling
}, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
  //onError handling

Confirm customer account activation by pin

This method confirms a customer’s account registration process with the PIN code.

This method is a global operation and doesn’t require customer authentication.

Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_PIN_CODE_RESEND_CLIENT_CREATE permission from the Client group.

Declared In:



Future<void> confirmAccountActivationByPin(String email, String pinCode, {required void Function() onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
pinCode String yes Code sent to a customer’s email
email String yes Customer’s email
onSuccess Function() yes Function to be executed when the operation is completed successfully
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes Function to be executed when the operation is completed with an error

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    await Synerise.client.confirmAccountActivationByPin(email, pinCode, onSuccess: () {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

Sign in a customer

This method signs a customer in to obtain a JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be used in subsequent requests.

The SDK will refresh the token before each call if it is about to expire (but not expired).

Do NOT allow signing in again (or signing up) when a customer is already signed in. First, sign the customer out.

Do NOT create multiple instances nor call this method multiple times before execution.

Declared In:



Future<void> signIn(String email, String password, {required void Function() onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
email String yes - Customer’s email
password String yes - Customer’s password
onSuccess Function() yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed successfully
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed with an error

Return Value:
No value is returned.


await Synerise.client.signIn(email, password, onSuccess: () {
  //onSuccess handling
}, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
  //onError handling

Sign in a customer conditionally

This method signs a customer in to obtain a JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be used in subsequent requests.

The SDK will refresh the token before each call if it is about to expire (but not expired).

Do NOT allow signing in again (or signing up) when a customer is already signed in. First, sign the customer out.

Do NOT create multiple instances nor call this method multiple times before execution.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 3.7.6 3.8.0 0.9.19 n/a

Declared In:

Related To:



Future<void> signInConditionally(String email, String password,
      {required void Function(ClientConditionalAuthResult) onSuccess,
      required void Function(SyneriseError error) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
email String yes Customer’s email
password String yes Customer’s password

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    await Synerise.client.signInConditionally(email, password, onSuccess: (ClientConditionalAuthResult result) {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

Authenticate customer by IdentityProvider

This method authenticates a customer with OAuth, Facebook, Google, Apple, or Synerise.

If an account for the customer does not exist and the identity provider is different than Synerise, this request creates an account.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 3.7.6 3.8.0 0.9.19 0.3.0

Declared In:

Related To:



Future<void> authenticate(ClientAuthContext clientAuthContext, IdentityProvider identityProvider, String tokenString,
    {required void Function(bool) onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
clientAuthContext ClientAuthContext yes - Object which contains agreements, attributes, and identifier of authorization
identityProvider ClientIdentityProvider yes - Provider of your token
tokenString String yes - Token retrieved from provider
onSuccess Function() yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed successfully
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes - Function to be executed when the operation is completed with an error

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    await Synerise.client.authenticate(clientAuthContext, identityProvider, tokenString, onSuccess: (bool result) {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

Authenticate customer conditionally by IdentityProvider

This method authenticates a customer with OAuth, Facebook, Google, Apple, or Synerise.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 3.7.6 3.8.0 0.9.19 n/a

Declared In:

Related To:



Future<void> authenticateConditionally(ClientAuthContext clientAuthContext, IdentityProvider identityProvider, String tokenString,
    {String? authID, required void Function(ClientConditionalAuthResult) onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async 


Parameter Type Optional Description
clientAuthContext ClientAuthContext no Object which contains agreements and attributes
identityProvider ClientIdentityProvider no Provider of your token
tokenString String no Token retrieved from provider
authID String yes Optional identifier of authorization
onSuccess Function(ClientConditionalAuthResult result) yes Function to be executed when the operation is completed successfully
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes Function to be executed when the operation is completed with an error
Note: authID parameter is used for decreasing the number of UUID refreshes, so it must be unique for every customer.

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    Token token = Token(tokenString: "tokenString", origin: TokenOrigin.anonymous, expirationDate: DateTime;
    await Synerise.client.retrieveToken(onSuccess: (Token token) {
      token = token;
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
    //onError handling
    String tokenString = token.tokenString;
    IdentityProvider identityProvider = IdentityProvider.oauth;
    await Synerise.client.authenticateConditionally(identityProvider, tokenString, onSuccess: (ClientConditionalAuthResult result) {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

Authenticate customer via Simple Authentication

This method authenticates a customer with Simple Authentication.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 4.14.0 5.7.1 0.15.0 0.7.0
Note: When you use this method, you must set a request validation salt by using the Synerise.setRequestValidationSalt(_:) method (if salt is enabled for Simple Authentication).
Note: The API key must have the SAUTH_SIMPLE_AUTH_CREATE from the Auth group.

Declared In:

Related To:



Future<void> simpleAuthentication(ClientSimpleAuthenticationData data, String authID, {required void Function() onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
data ClientSimpleAuthenticationData yes Object which contains customer data
authID String yes Required identifier of authorization
onSuccess Function() yes -
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes -
Note: authID parameter is used for decreasing the number of UUID refreshes, so it must be unique for every customer.

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    ClientSimpleAuthenticationData data =
        ClientSimpleAuthenticationData(firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, email: email, customId: customID);
    await Synerise.client.simpleAuthentication(data, authID, onSuccess: () {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

Check if a customer is signed in (via RaaS, OAuth, Facebook, Apple)

This method checks if a customer is signed in (via Synerise Authentication - RaaS, OAuth, Facebook, Apple).

Declared In:



Future<bool> isSignedIn() async

Return Value:
true if the customer is signed in, otherwise returns false.


bool isSignedInBool = await Synerise.client.isSignedIn();

Check if a customer is signed in (via Simple Authentication)

This method checks if a customer is signed in (via Simple Authentication).

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 4.14.0 5.7.1 0.15.0 0.7.0

Declared In:



Future<bool> isSignedInViaSimpleAuthentication() async

Return Value:
true if the customer is signed in (via Simple Authentication), otherwise returns false.


    await Synerise.client
        .then((bool result) {
      if (result == true) {
        //result handling
      } else {
        //error handling

Sign out a customer

This method signs out a customer out.

Note: This method works with every authentication type (via Synerise, External Provider, OAuth or Simple Authentication).

Declared In:



Future<void> signOut() async

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    Synerise.client.signOut().whenComplete(() => {
      //onSuccess handling

Sign out customer with mode or from all devices

This method signs out a customer out with a chosen mode and Determines if the method should sign out all devices.

Available modes:

  • .signOut mode signs out the customer.
  • .signOutWithSessionDestroy mode signs out the customer and additionally, clears the anonymous session and regenerates the customer UUID.

The fromAllDevices parameter determines whether the method should notify the backend to sign out all devices.

IMPORTANT: It is an asynchronous method.

iOS SDK Android SDK React Native SDK Flutter SDK
Introduced in: 4.11.0 5.1.0 0.14.0 1.0.0
Note: This method works with every authentication type (via Synerise, External Provider, OAuth or Simple Authentication).

Declared In:



Future<void> signOutWithMode(ClientSignOutMode mode, bool fromAllDevices, {required void Function() onSuccess, required void Function(SyneriseError) onError}) async


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
mode ClientSignOutMode yes Mode of signing out
fromAllDevices bool yes Determines if the method should sign out all devices
onSuccess Function() yes -
onError Function(SyneriseError error) yes -

Return Value:
No value is returned.


    ClientSignOutMode mode = ClientSignOutMode.signOutWithSessionDestroy;
    bool fromAllDevices = true;
    await Synerise.client.signOutWithMode(mode, fromAllDevices, onSuccess: () {
      //onSuccess handling
    }, onError: (SyneriseError error) {
      //onError handling

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