Event tracking


Everything your customers do in your mobile application is recorded in the system in real time, queued and automatically sent in batches to Synerise. Information such as the source of the visit, the URL address they have visited, and the chain of actions that followed are saved in Synerise as events and their parameters.

The scope of information gathered about events is wide. Synerise collects predefined event parameters which can be extended according to the preferences and needs of the Synerise customers.

The basic information about the tracked events includes:

  • Action name – an indicator of the activity type, such as screen.view
  • Label – human-readable information about the activity, such as the page title. Must be at least one character.
    Important: This is a deprecated field. It’s not saved in the database. so it can’t be used in Analytics or Automation.
  • Time – the time when the event occurred
  • Customer identification – an identifier of the customer who performed the activity
  • Parameters – additional parameters, depending on the type of the event
Click here to see example of an event

  "action": "screen.view",
  "eventUUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "unique": null,
  "createDate": 1659456038993,
  "label": "PromotionViewScreen",
  "params": {
    "ip": "xx.xx.xxx.xxx",
    "source": "MOBILE_APP",
    "clientId": 1111111111,
    "uuid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "eventUUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "businessProfileId": 1234,
    "eventCreateTime": "2022-08-02T16:00:38.993Z",
    "time": 1659456038993,
    "modifiedBy": {
      "businessProfileApiKey": null,
      "clientApiKey": null,
      "clientId": null,
      "userId": null
    "clientId": 5790194467,

Note: Some events are predefined, meaning they have a fixed set of fields that must be sent. For example, a product.view event must include the product ID.

You can enrich events with data from catalogs in Synerise, for example, a product or service event where only an ID has been provided can be enriched with other details such as the description, image URL, and more.

Queue and flushing

As a compromise between how quick events are sent and battery life, events are collected into batches and queued for sending (flushing) after enough events are collected or too much time passes (timeout), according to SDK settings.

Since Android SDK 5.17.0 and iOS SDK 4.17.0, the default settings flush the queue immediately when a push event is added to it.

You can change the queue size, timeout, list of events which trigger flushing, and other event tracking settings as described in the “Tracker” section of the “Settings” article.

To flush the queue on demand, use the following methods:

OS Method
Android Tracker.flush()
iOS flushEvents(completionHandler: (() -> Void)?)
React Native flushEvents(onSuccess: () => void)
Flutter Synerise.tracker.flush()

Events tracked automatically


WARNING: Automatic tracking is available only for Android SDK and iOS SDK. Auto-tracking is not supported for applications built with Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI. These applications should use declarative tracking.

Auto-tracking allows you to monitor each type of the customer activity in your mobile application and it is enabled by default. Every interaction (such as click, view, swipe) with any element in the application can be sent as an event to Synerise together with a collection of details concerning the event, which are available in the overview on the profile’s card. The frequency and the kind of the tracked events are customizable, as you can switch on tracking a particular types of interactions.


Auto-tracking events is:

  • Enabled by default for Android.
  • Disabled by default for iOS.

Available modes for auto-tracking:

  • DISABLED - Listeners are disabled (default mode for iOS SDK).
  • PLAIN - Listeners are set to track screen-visits only.
  • FINE - Listeners are attached to nearly everything that is clickable in your app, including screen visits that record the visited screen event (default mode for Android SDK).

You may configure auto-tracking with various options to customize your expected behavior and track events you want. See possible configuration options below:

Synerise.settings.tracker.autoTracking.enabled = false; // 1
  1. It enables/disables auto-tracking.
  2. It sets auto-tracking mode.
  3. It is an array of classes that you want to exclude from auto-tracking.
  4. It is an array of tag numbers for views that you want to exclude from auto-tracking.

Events from Auto-Tracking

Action name Description Label Additional information tracked
screen.view This event is generated when any screen of a mobile app is displayed by a mobile app user. Activity, Fragment names (for example, ProductDetailsFragment)
screen.interaction This event is generated every time a mobile app user interacts with any element of the application UI. viewText or the name of control type (if not able to read a value) Depending on the UI element type tracked, Synerise automatically reads and passes any values that are set depending on type, such as: time, date, position, progress, state, value, or if the element has been selected.

Events tracked internally

In addition to declarative event tracking and Auto-Tracking, many events are generated by the SDK and the Synerise infrastructure.

Note: Read more about all Synerise events

Lifecycle events

Some events are automatically generated by the SDK or backend as a result of the profile’s activity.

Action name Source Description
client.applicationStarted SDK A user opened the mobile application. This event contains additional info such as operating system, device model, the sdk version etc.
client.applicationCrashed SDK Report about a mobile application crash, with additional data for troubleshooting.
click.errorReceiver SDK The event is called when the SDK cannot start an intent because there is no attached Activity (ActivityNotFoundException).
session.start BACKEND A user opened the mobile application and a session was opened. The session ends when 30 minutes pass since the last activity.
session.end BACKEND 30 minutes passed since the last activity and the session was closed.

In the following example of aclient.applicationStarted event, the highlighted data is added automatically:

  "action": "client.applicationStarted",
  "eventUUID": "9f9f81ce-fb3d-432d-8f88-a4ce20ac3c0d",
  "label": "AppStarted",
  "params": {
    "deviceType": "SMARTPHONE", // SMARTPHONE or TABLET
    "deviceId": "B36535BD-7C80-4D90-A941-26CD4DB7FA7C",
    "osLanguage": "pl", // Language set in operating system
    "appVersionCode": "8", // Build number of the mobile app
    "systemPushConsent": "enabled", // System consent for push notifications
    "source": "MOBILE_APP",
    "networkType": "WIFI", // WIFI or CELL
    "cellCountry": "--",
    "deviceModel": "iPhone13,1", // Model of a device
    "os": "ios", // iOS or Android
    "applicationType": "UNKNOWN",
    "deviceRooted": "false",
    "applicationName": "SDK Sample App Swift",
    "appVersion": "4.16.0", // Version of the mobile app
    "cellCarrier": "--",
    "origin": "APP_STARTED",
    "deviceManufacturer": "Apple", // Manufacturer of a device
    "sdkVersion": "4.16.0", // SDK version in the mobile app
    "sdkPreviousVersion": "4.15.0", // SDK version previously installed in the mobile app
    "sdkPluginVersion": "1.2.0", // SDK plugin version in the mobile app (in hybrid apps, for example built with Flutter)
    "osVersion": "17.3.1", // OS version of a device
    "deviceId": "B36535BD-7C80-4D90-A941-26CD4DB7FA7C",
    "deviceResolution": "1080x2338", // Resolution of device screen

Profile events

Some events are automatically generated as a result of an action or interaction with the profile such as registration, authorizations, and more.

Note: Check details of profile’s events.
Action name Source Description
client.anonymousLogin BACKEND An anonymous profile generated a new authentication token.
client.simpleAuthLogin BACKEND A user logged in with Simple Authentication
client.register BACKEND A profile was registered successfully. This event is only generated for Registration-as-a-Service.
client.tryToLogInToInactiveAccount BACKEND A profile tried to log in to an inactive account.
client.login BACKEND A user logged in mobile application. This event is only generated for OAuth and Synerise Authentication (aka RaaS).
client.logout BACKEND A user logged out from the mobile application. By default, this event is generated only when you use Synerise Authentication (aka RaaS).
client.merge BACKEND Two or more profiles were merged into one.
profile.updated BACKEND A profile was updated.

Push Notifications events

Some events are automatically generated as a result of an action or interaction of the profile with push notifications.

Important: To ensure correct tracking of push notification events, you must configure push notifications first.
Note: Check details of push notification events.
Action name Source Description
push.view SDK A push notification was shown to the app user.
push.notView SDK A push notification was sent, but the device did not display it due to the areNotificationsEnabled setting on the device. This event is only generated for Android 7.0 or later.
push.click SDK A push notification was tapped.
push.button.click SDK DEPRECATED A button in a push notification was tapped.
push.openInApp SDK A push notification was tapped and the app was opened. This event is only generated for iOS.
push.dismiss SDK A push notification was dismissed. The event requires configuring Notification Service Extension for full support.
push.imageTimeout SDK An image in a mobile push notification could not be loaded.
push.controlGroup BACKEND A mobile push notification was not sent because the recipient belongs to the control group.
push.send BACKEND A push notification was sent to a profile.
push.notSent BACKEND A push notification failed to be created by the backend. Usually occurs when notification encryption is enabled in your business profile, but your application did not generate a key pair.
push.capping BACKEND A push notification was not sent due to message limits set for this type of communication.
push.skipped BACKEND A push notification was not sent because Silence Hours were active. If the process of sending multiple messages overlaps with Silence Hours, sending is stopped in progress.
push.tokenUpdate BACKEND A Firebase registration token was updated in the Synerise system.
push.tokenDelete BACKEND A Firebase registration token was deleted when a backend tried to send a push notification. Usually occurs when it is a problem with user’s token.
push.notRegistered BACKEND A push notification was not sent due to an invalid Firebase token.
push.invalidRegistrationId BACKEND A push notification was not sent due to an incorrectly assigned registrationId in Firebase.
push.mismatchSenderId BACKEND A push notification was not sent, because the Firebase project to which the profile was registered changed.

In these events campaign data is always tracked. See specified part of push.view event below:

  "action": "push.view",
  "eventUUID": "eca5662f-ecfd-418a-af5c-e65ba10ca252",
  "label": "Test Simple Push",
  "params": {
    "id": "ecf5678d-c137-44d1-964f-83bc8d15511e", // Campaign ID
    "variantId": 11598412, // Variant ID of the campaign
    "campaignTitle": "Test Simple Push", // Campaign title
    "campaignType": "Mobile push", // Campaign type

In-App Messages events

Sort events are automatically generated as a result of an action or interaction with in-app messages by the user of the mobile app.

Note: Read more about the details of in-app messages events.
Action name Source Description
inApp.show SDK An in-app message was shown to the app user.
inApp.capping SDK An in-app message was not displayed due to capping or frequency limits.
inApp.click SDK The content of an in-app message was tapped.
inApp.controlGroup SDK An in-app message was not displayed because the recipient belongs to the control group.
inApp.discard SDK An in-app message was closed.
inApp.hide SDK An in-app message was hidden.
inApp.customHook SDK A custom action (implemented by your app developers and included in the in-app definition) from an in-app message was triggered.
inApp.renderFail SDK / BACKEND An in-app message was not displayed due to an error. This may be caused, for example, by an error in the Jinjava syntax or a connection problem.

In these events campaign data is always tracked. See specified part of inApp.show event below:

  "action": "inApp.show",
  "eventUUID": "e982ed4d-9179-4bc3-9266-322ff4a8f2eb",
  "label": "In-app message was displayed in mobile app",
  "params": {
    "id": "83e13e0b-7930-4866-a2cf-088dcbe0b222", // Campaign ID
    "variantId": "c3bbfc16-a79e-474f-a255-ef7ee1333148", // Variant ID of the campaign

Other campaigns events

Other events are which automatically generated as a result of an action related to campaigns.

Action name Source Description
screen.content SDK A Screen View campaign was generated and fetched for the profile in the mobile app. It contains data with a sorted tree of the documents.
client.activatePromotion BACKEND A promotion was activated by the profile.
client.deactivatePromotion BACKEND A promotion was deactivated by the profile.
recommendation.generated BACKEND A recommendation set was generated for a profile.
recommendation.view SDK A recommendation frame was displayed to a user. The parameters may include a list of the items in the frame, depending on your implementation. Event from Content Widget.
recommendation.seen SDK A recommendation frame was displayed to a user. The parameters may include a list of the items in the frame, depending on your implementation. Event from Content Widget.
recommendation.click SDK A recommended item was clicked. Event from Content Widget.
product.like SDK The Content Widget includes a “like” button that was tapped by the user.
product.dislike SDK The Content Widget includes a “dislike” button that was tapped by the user.

Declarative tracking

Declarative tracking is a feature of our SDK that allows you to declare additional actions for tracking.

Product views, screen views, clicking a sign up button, contact with the call center, and more: you can implement anything and declarative tracking will help you to do that.


DO NOT send transaction.charge events as custom events.
Transactions must be tracked with these endpoints:

Basic custom event

In the most basic scenario, you can pass an event as in the examples below:

Tracker.send(new CustomEvent("my.action", "label"));

Such events are passed to Synerise as the CustomEvent type, since the action can be anything that you want.

  • The action name must follow the context.action convention. For example: screen.view, product.buy, social.share
  • The action name must be up to 32 characters long and must match the following regular expression:

Custom events with more parameters

If you want to send more complex events, you can include additional parameters:

TrackerParams params = new TrackerParams.Builder()
                .add("name", "John")
                .add("surname", "Rise")
                .add("company", "Synerise")
                .add("age", 25)
                .add("isGreat", true)
                .add("lastOrder", 384.28)
                .add("count", 0x7fffffffffffffffL)
                .add("someObject", new MySerializableObject())
Tracker.send(new CustomEvent("my.action", "label", params));
Note: The following keys are reserved and you can’t send them: modifiedBy, apiKey, eventUUID, ip, time, businessProfileId. If you add them to an event, they are ignored.

Predefined events

Synerise offers a set of predefined event types that require a minimum set of data for the backend.

They can be sent by using Setters as in the following example. The example uses the Product viewed event.

TrackerParams params = new TrackerParams.Builder()
                .add("campaignHash", "4321")
                .add("campaignId", "1234")
ProductViewEvent event = new ProductViewEvent(("Smartphone X", "SM-01-S", "Smartphone X”, params);
Android iOS React Native Flutter
Tracker.send(event) method Tracker.send(_:) method Synerise.Tracker.send(event) method Synerise.tracker.send(event) method

Predefined event list

The list contains the list of predefined events which you can implement.

Customer registered

This event may be used if you do not use Synerise registration/authentication features and rely fully on your own mechanisms, but still want to gather events when a customer registers.

Action name of the generated event: client.register


RegisteredEvent event = new RegisteredEvent("label")
OS Event Required fields
Android RegisteredEvent Label
iOS RegisteredEvent Label
React Native RegisteredEvent Label
Flutter RegisteredEvent Label

Customer logged in event

This event may be used if you do not use Synerise login/authentication features and rely fully on your own mechanisms, but still want to gather events when a customer logs in.

Action name of the generated event: client.login

Logged in event
Logged in event


LoggedInEvent event = new LoggedInEvent("label")
OS Event Required fields
Android LoggedInEvent Label
iOS LoggedInEvent Label
React Native LoggedInEvent Label
Flutter LoggedInEvent Label

Customer logged out

This event may be used if you do not use Synerise login/authentication features and rely fully on your own mechanisms, but still want to gather events when a customer logs out.

Action name of the generated event: client.logout


LoggedOutEvent event = new LoggedOutEvent("label")
OS Event Required fields
Android LoggedOutEvent Label
iOS LoggedOutEvent Label
React Native LoggedOutEvent Label
Flutter LoggedOutEvent Label

Product viewed

Use this event to track customer visits to a product in your mobile application.

Action name of the generated event: product.view

Event sent when the mobile app user sees an item
Event sent when the mobile app user sees an item


ProductViewEvent event = new ProductViewEvent("label", "productId", "productName");
OS Event Required fields
Android ProductViewEvent Label, ProductId, Name
iOS ProductViewedEvent Label, ProductId, Name
React Native ProductViewedEvent Label, ProductId, Name
Flutter ProductViewedEvent Label, ProductId, Name

Product added to favorites

Use this event to track adding a product to favorites in your mobile application.

Action name of the generated event: product.addToFavorite

Event sent when a mobile app user adds an item to favorites
Event sent when a mobile app user adds an item to favorites


AddedToFavoritesEvent event = new AddedToFavoritesEvent("label");
OS Event Required fields
Android AddedToFavoritesEvent Label
iOS ProductAddedToFavoritesEvent Label
React Native ProductAddedToFavouritesEvent Label
Flutter ProductAddedToFavouritesEvent Label

Product added to cart

Use this event to track adding a product to a cart in your mobile application.

Action name of the generated event: product.addToCart

Event sent when a user adds an item to cart
Event sent when a mobile app user adds an item to cart


UnitPrice unitPrice = new UnitPrice(price, Currency.getInstance(Locale.US));
AddedToCartEvent event = new AddedToCartEvent("label", "sku", unitPrice, 1);
OS Event Required fields
Android AddedToCartEvent Label, Sku, FinalPrice, Quantity
iOS ProductAddedToCartEvent Label, SKU, FinalPrice, Quantity
React Native ProductAddedToCartEvent Label, SKU, FinalPrice, Quantity
Flutter ProductAddedToCartEvent Label, SKU, FinalPrice, Quantity

Product removed from cart

Use this event to track removing a product from a cart in your mobile application.

Action name of the generated event: product.removeFromCart


UnitPrice unitPrice = new UnitPrice(price, Currency.getInstance(Locale.US));
RemovedFromCartEvent event = new RemovedFromCartEvent("label", "sku", unitPrice, 1);
OS Event Required fields
Android RemovedFromCartEvent Label, Sku, FinalPrice, Quantity
iOS ProductRemovedFromCartEvent Label, SKU, FinalPrice, Quantity
React Native ProductRemovedFromCartEvent Label, SKU, FinalPrice, Quantity
Flutter ProductRemovedFromCartEvent Label, SKU, FinalPrice, Quantity

Recommendation viewed

Use this event to track when a recommendation is displayed to a customer.

Action name of the generated event: recommendation.view

For iOS and Android only: If you use the Widget to present recommendations, this event is tracked automatically.


List<String> items = Arrays.asList("PRODUCT_ID_1", "PRODUCT_ID_2!");
RecommendationViewEvent event = new RecommendationViewEvent("LABEL", items, "12345", "1234", "corr", params)

OS Event Required fields
Android RecommendationViewEvent Label, items OR ProductId and Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
iOS RecommendationViewEvent Label, items, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
Flutter RecommendationViewEvent Label, items, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash

Recommendation seen

Note: This is a legacy event. You should use recommendation.view instead.
Use this event to track recommendation display to a customer.

Action name of the generated event: recommendation.seen

For iOS and Android only: If you use the Widget to present recommendations, this event is tracked automatically.


RecommendationSeenEvent event = new RecommendationSeenEvent("label", "productId", "productName", "campaignId", "campaignHash");
OS Event Required fields
Android RecommendationSeenEvent Label, ProductId,Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
iOS RecommendationSeenEvent Label, ProductId, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
React Native RecommendationSeenEvent Label, ProductId, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
Flutter RecommendationSeenEvent Label, ProductId, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash

Recommendation clicked

Use this event to track recommendation clicks.

Action name of the generated event: recommendation.click

For iOS and Android only: If you use the Widget to present recommendations, this event is tracked automatically.


RecommendationClickEvent event = new RecommendationClickEvent("label", "productId", "productName", "campaignId", "campaignHash");
OS Event Required fields
Android RecommendationClickEvent Label, ProductId,Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
iOS RecommendationClickEvent Label, ProductId, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
React Native RecommendationClickEvent Label, ProductId, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash
Flutter RecommendationClickEvent Label, ProductId, Name, CampaignId, CampaignHash

Customer appeared in location

Use this event to track a customer’s presence at a location by passing geographic coordinates.

  1. Send a silent push with the Synerise command GET_LOCATION.
  2. SDK retrieves the location.
  3. Use the data from the GET_LOCATION response to send the AppearedInLocation event.

Action name of the generated event: client.location

Appeared in location event sent after sending silent notification
The "appeared in location" event is sent after a silent push


AppearedInLocationEvent event = new AppearedInLocationEvent("label", 48.1599, 11.5761);
OS Event Required fields
Android AppearedInLocationEvent Label, Latitude, Longitude
iOS AppearedInLocationEvent Label, Latitude, Longitude
React Native AppearedInLocationEvent Label, Latitude, Longitude
Flutter AppearedInLocationEvent Label, Latitude, Longitude

Customer activity timer

Use this event to measure the duration of any customer activity - send Hit timer when a customer starts an activity and send it again with a different time signature when the customer finishes. After that, you can use the Analytics module to measure, for example, average activity time. You can add a custom parameter to the timer events so you can recognize them.

Action name of the generated event: client.hitTimer


HitTimerEvent event = new HitTimerEvent("label");
OS Event Required fields
Android HitTimerEvent Label
iOS HitTimerEvent Label
React Native HitTimerEvent Label
Flutter HitTimerEvent Label

Customer searched

Use this event to track search queries - every time a customer types a query in the search box in your mobile application, this event will be generated.

Action name of the generated event: client.search


SearchedEvent event = new SearchedEvent("label");
OS Event Required fields
Android SearchedEvent Label
iOS SearchedEvent Label
React Native SearchedEvent Label
Flutter SearchedEvent Label

Customer shared

Use this event to track customer sharing something from your application.

Action name of the generated event: client.shared


SharedEvent event = new SharedEvent("label");
OS Event Required fields
Android SharedEvent Label
iOS SharedEvent Label
React Native SharedEvent Label
Flutter SharedEvent Label

Customer visited a screen

This event is used when a customer visits a particular screen in your application.

Action name of the generated event: screen.view

Event sent when a user visits a screen
Event sent when a mobile app user visits a screen


VisitedScreenEvent event = new VisitedScreenEvent("label");
OS Event Required fields
Android VisitedScreenEvent Label
iOS VisitedScreenEvent Label
React Native VisitedScreenEvent Label
Flutter VisitedScreenEvent Label

Crash Event

This event is used when the application crashes.

The event is sent automatically by Synerise SDK when you enable crash handling while configuring the SDK.

You can send it by yourself when you handle an uncaught exception.

Action name of the generated event: client.applicationCrashed


let event: CrashEvent = CrashEvent(label: "LABEL")

OS Event Required fields
Android CrashEvent Label
iOS CrashEvent Label
React Native n/a Label
Flutter n/a Label

Push viewed

Use this event to track viewing a push notification.

Important: Push events are tracked automatically for Android and React Native (if the notifications have been configured for React Native according to iOS or Android ).

Action name of the generated event: push.view

let event: PushViewedEvent = PushViewedEvent(label: "LABEL")

OS Event Required fields
Android PushViewedEvent Label
iOS PushViewedEvent Label
React Native PushViewedEvent Label
Flutter PushViewedEvent Label

Push clicked

Use this event to track tapping a push notification.

Important: Push events are tracked automatically for Android and React Native (if the notifications have been configured for React Native according to iOS or Android ).

Action name of the generated event: push.click

let event: PushClickedEvent = PushClickedEvent(label: "LABEL")

OS Event Required fields
Android ClickedPushEvent Label
iOS PushClickedEvent Label
React Native ClickedPushEvent Label
Flutter PushClickedEvent Label

Push cancelled

Use this event to track dismissing push notifications.

Important: Push events are tracked automatically for Android and React Native (if the notifications have been configured for React Native according to iOS or Android ).

Action name of the generated event: push.dismiss

let event: PushCancelledEvent = PushCancelledEvent(label: "LABEL")

OS Event Required fields
Android CancelledPushEvent Label
iOS PushCancelledEvent Label
React Native PushCancelledEvent Label
Flutter PushCancelledEvent Label

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