Creating histograms

To create a graphic representation of metrics, add a histogram.


Create a metric.

Creating a histogram

Image presents the histogram wizard
A blank histogram
  1. Go to Image presents the Analytics icon Analytics > Histograms > New histogram.

  2. Enter the name of the histogram.

  3. Optionally, to let other users know about the purpose of the histogram, write a short description.

  4. From the list of metrics, select a metric you want to include in the histogram.

    WARNING: Histograms cannot display the Profile type of metrics and metrics with occurrence type set at First or Last.

  5. To choose the time units by which the metric data is aggregated in the histogram, click the Interval button.

    Important: When you select the monthly interval option, the display of the histogram presents the results of metrics from 30 days. That is the reason of a slight discrepancy may occur between the results of the histogram and the metric used in the histogram.

  6. To select the time range analyzed in the histogram, click the calendar icon. The chosen date range will apply to all metrics added to the histogram.

    Important: Pay attention to the time intervals set in metrics and in the histogram. If the histogram analyzes a period that is longer than the one set in the metric, you will not see the data for the periods that don’t overlap the metric period.
  7. To add another metric to the histogram, click the plus button (you can add up to 7 metrics).

  8. To complete the process, click the Save button.
    Result: You can find the histogram on the list of histograms.


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