
A profile is the collection of all information about an entity (for example, a customer, a company) gathered by the application. Along with personal information, the profile presents the whole record of activity in the context of the application and your website, such as the list of events (a page visit, adding a product to the cart, and so on) or the analytical segments the profile belongs to. Moreover, it’s a place where you can perform certain actions: send a message, manually generate an event for a customer, add tags, and so on.

A profile of a customer
An example profile

Personal information

A profile of a customer
An example profile

All basic information, such as the name of the profile and its ID, can be found on the upper left side.

Personal information includes the birthday, location of the user, the phone number, the email address, and more. The scope of information depends on you and the way you collect data about the visitors to your website.

Identities and identifiers

UUIDs and Firebase registration IDs

In the Identities section, you can click Show all to view all the UUIDs and Firebase registration IDs (if applicable) of the profile.

Note: Mobile push messages are delivered to the device with the most recent Firebase registration ID. For more details, see “Mobile notification delivery flow”.

Other identifiers

You can edit the following identifiers in this section:

  • email (in CONTACT INFO)
  • phone number (in CONTACT INFO)
  • custom_identify (in OTHER)
    In the /v4 API, this parameter is called customId

The values of the identifiers can’t contain the following special characters:

  • Characters from outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) set
  • Carriage Return (CR)
  • Line Feed (LF)
  • \u2028: Line Separator
  • \u2029: Paragraph Separator
  • \u00AD: Soft Hyphen


In the Profile info section, you can find various data of the profile, such as the birth date and contact info.

Under OTHER, you can check and edit more parameters, including the custom ones added by integrations.

You can add more attributes with APIs, SDKs, Imports, and Automations. Regardless of the method, the attribute names can’t contain the following special characters:

  • Carriage Return (CR)
  • Line Feed (LF)
  • \u2028: Line Separator
  • \u2029: Paragraph Separator


Tags assigned to a profile
Tags assigned to a profile

Below the personal information, you can find tags assigned to a profile. You can add them manually on the profile or you can add them while importing the profiles to the Synerise portal.

Tags allow you to mark profiles and you can filter them. The consistent usage of tags will let you keep order in profiles and segment the database. You can find the list of all tags assigned to customers in Assets > Customer Tags.


In the Subscriptions section, you can check and modify the marketing agreements of the profile.

  • For Web push, the agreement and the snrs_has_web_push_devices attribute must be true to send messages.
  • For Push, the agreement and the snrs_has_mobile_push_devices attribute must be true to send messages.


Under the name of the profile, you can check the last activity.

  • If the profile is active now, the status is Online now.
  • If the profile isn’t active, time since the last activity is shown.
    You can hover over the time to see the exact date.
Checking the last activity date
Checking the last activity date

The last activity date is the most recent event of any of these types:

Activity list

The activity list in the profile
The activity list in the profile

The activity list contains the history of events which occurred in the context of a profile. By clicking a single event, you can view its details.

An event describes either an activity performed by an individual (for example, visit to a website, submitting a form, adding an item to the cart, starting the workflow, and so on) or an activity performed for the individual (for example, sending an email/SMS/mobile push/web push, displaying dynamic content, and so on).

Note: When the the Display selector is set to Expanded, the events only become expanded if they have Details configured on the Display tab of their definitions. To learn more about adding the details, see “Adding event definitions > In the Web application” in “Event definitions”.

In this section of the profile, you can generate an event for an individual manually. You can find the instruction here.


The Messages tab on the profile
The Messages tab on the profile

You can send any type of message to a person directly from a profile.

To send:

After sending any type of message, an event is generated on the list of activities. However, it won’t be visible on the list in the Communication module.


Adding a note in the profile
Adding a note in the profile

You can add a note to a profile, if there is a non-standard piece of information about this person to be saved.


Predefined statistics in the profile
Predefined statistics in the profile

A profile contains predefined statistics about transactions, email messages, web push notifications, mobile push communication, and display of dynamic content.

You can create a dashboard (in the Analytics module) and add it to the profile.


List of analyses in the profile
List of analyses in the profile

The profile contains a list of analyses that are calculated for every individual customer such as aggregates and expressions. If you create an aggregate, expression or a segmentation a particular customer falls into, it will be displayed on the profile, only if you mark it to be displayed in the profiles.

Aggregate wizard
Creating an aggregate. Option of displaying of the analysis in the profile is on the upper-right side

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