Functions in expressions

Functions allow you to perform mathematical operations on the values received from customer attributes or events. Many of those functions duplicate the functions that you can find in programs such as Excel.


It returns the absolute value of the results of a customer attribute or event. In cases when you want to convert a negative number, you may use absolute value to obtain a positive number in an expression.

Add years

This function returns a date, ahead of the given date by the number of given years

USE CASE: Check whether customers reached the legal age of adulthood.

Image presents the construction of the Add years formula
The construction of the Add years formula - stage 1
  1. Add the Add years function that allows you to perform mathematical operations with regard to dates.

    Image presents the construction of the Add years formula
    The construction of the Add years formula - stage 2
  2. Then, place the Now function within the Add years function. In the next field, type in the number which you want to deduct from the current date (year), so you can verify if the customer is of legal age. In some countries, citizens who are 18 years old are considered adults, so in order to deduct 18 years from the current date, we entered -18. To complete the process, click the Save button.

    Image presents the construction of the Add years formula
    The construction of the Add years formula - stage 3
  3. Create a segment that consists of adult customers. Such segmentation needs to comprise of 2 steps. In the first step, use birthdate as the customer attribute and Less than as a logical operator. Then select the expression, which you created in previous steps, as the value of the Less than operator. In the second step, you need to select adult customers among those whose date of birth is available on the contact card. Use birthdate as the customer attribute in the second step. Then, determine its value as true. Between step 1 and 2 use AND as a logical operator.


Ceiling rounds up the results of expression (e.g. 4.01 will be rounded up to 5).


The exponential function is a mathematical function denoted by f(x) = exp(x) or ex (where the argument x is written as an exponent).

Therefore, the Exp function returns the result of e to the power given in the brackets.


This function rounds down the results of expressions (e.g. 4.99 will be rounded down to 4).


This function returns a boolean value (true or false) that indicates whether the expression contains any valid data (null) and returns true if it doesn’t.


This function returns the natural logarithm of a given number.


This function returns the highest value in a set of values.


This function returns the lowest value in a set of values.


This function returns the remainder after division of one number by another The result has the same sign as the divisor.


This function rounds the expression value to an integer number. According to mathematical principles, values from 01 do 49 are rounded down and values higher than 49 are rounded up.


Allows logical comparisons between values. The system creates the desired structure automatically when you select this function.

Image presents the construction of the If formula
The construction of the If formula
  1. After you choose the If function, the expression will be constructed in the specific pattern explained points 2-5.
  2. The first field in the brackets is taken by the condition that needs to be met, if you want a specific action to happen (3). In this case, the condition consists of the segment of customers who made a purchase on the current day.
  3. The next place is taken by the expression that is executed when the condition is met/is true (2). In this example, the expression Last transaction will be the subject of action. If the condition is true, the value of the last transaction will be multiplied by the number in the next field (4).
  4. This place is taken by the value which will be considered if the condition (2) is true. In this example, the value of the last transaction in the current day will double.
  5. This place is taken into consideration if the condition (2) is false. If the condition is false, the value of the expression will be equal 0.
Tip: You can extend the conditions, include analytics and add subsequent functions to expressions.


It allows you to check if two values are equal. Returns true if they are.


This function checks if the first given value is larger than the second one. Returns true if it is.

Greater or equals

This function checks if the first given value is larger than or equal to the second one. Returns true if it is.


This function checks if the first given value is smaller than the second one. Returns true if it is.

Less or equals

This function checks if the first given value is smaller than or equal to the second one. Returns true if it is.

Not equals

This function allows you to check if two values are different. Returns true if they are.


This function allows you to insert the current date or time to your formula.

To string

This function allows you to convert the result of an expression to a string.

To number

This function allows you to convert the result of an expression to a numerical value.

To money

The function rounds to the second decimal place.

  • If the third decimal place is >= 5, it’s rounded up, for example:
    • 1.006 becomes 1.01
    • 5.005001 becomes 5.01
    • 0.0050000 becomes 0.01
  • If the third decimal place is < 5, it’s rounded down, for example:
    • 0.004 becomes 0.00
    • 2.0049 becomes 2.00


You can create an event expression for event which converts the parameter value that contains the item price to the money data type.

An event expression with To money function
An event expression which converts the $regularPrice parameter to the money data type

This event expression is useful for building a profile aggregate that uses the Max function to return the price of the most expensive item a customer has purchased in a selected period. By using this event expression instead of a regular event parameter in this aggregate, you avoid treating item prices as strings, which could lead to inaccurate analysis results.

An event expression with To money function
An profile aggregate that returns the value of the priciest purchased item; the aggregate uses the event expression as an event parameter

To date

This function converts an ISO date-time string (for example, 2024-11-15T18:00+05:00 or 2024-11-15T18:00Z) value into a value that’s only a date (2024-11-15). The date doesn’t have any timezone and the original timezone of the string is ignored when converting into a date.

You can use this function to create expressions whose results will be used in other analyses (for example, segmentations) without consideration of the original timezone of the attribute that was converted to a date - the analysis will treat the date as being in the timezone of the workspace.

To timestamp

A timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred. Because timestamps may take various formats, you can use this function to convert a date (for example, 2024-11-19) into a timestamp in the ISO8601 format with the timezone of the workspace (for example, 2024-11-19T01:00:00+01:00). Later, you can perform actions on dates. It is especially useful when you want to use a time dimension in reports.

You can also use this behavior to recalculate date-times from different timezones into the timezone of the workspace. For example, 2024-11-20T01:30:00+09:00 becomes 2024-11-19T17:30:00.000+01:00 in a workspace whose timezone is +01:00.


This function joins two or more strings together and returns the joint string as the result.


This function lets you search for a phrase which matches the pattern defined by a regular expression in an event parameter, customer attribute, dynamic key, or a constant value.

Tip: For an example of using regex in practice, see the “Change date format for analytics” use case.

The Regexp function syntax looks as follows:

The Regexp function broken down into syntax components
The Regexp function broken down into syntax components
  1. In the 1 node, you select an event parameter, customer attribute, dynamic key in which the system will search for the pattern.
  2. In the 2 node, you select the Constant option and enter the regular expression formula.
Example regexp function

In the example above, values of the $sku parameter of the event will be searched through for phrases starting with 123- and followed by at least one character.

Day of month

This function returns the day of the month.

The construction of the Day of month formula
The construction of the Day of month formula

Use this function in event expressions. Later you can use them as a dimension in reports.

Expression with the Day of month formula used as dimension in reports
Expression with the Day of month formula used as dimension in reports

Day of week

This function returns the day of the week in the form of a number (values from 1 [Monday] to 7 [Sunday]).

The construction of the Day of week formula
The construction of the Day of week formula
Tip: Use this function in event expressions. Later you can use them as a dimension in reports.

Day of year

This function returns the number of the day of the year (values from 1 to 366).

The construction of the Day of year formula
The construction of the Day of year formula
Tip: Use this function in event expressions. Later you can use them as a dimension in reports.


This function returns the hour (values from 1 do 23).

The construction of the Hour formula
The construction of the Hour formula
Tip: Use this function in event expressions. Later you can use them as a dimension in reports.


This function returns the number of week in a year (values from 1 to 52).

The construction of the Week formula
The construction of the Week formula
Tip: Use this function in event expressions. Later you can use them as a dimension in reports.


This function returns the number of the month (values from 1 to 12).

The construction of the Month formula
The construction of the Month formula
Tip: Use this function in event expressions. Later you can use them as a dimension in reports.


This function returns the year (e.g. 2018).

The construction of the Year formula
The construction of the Year formula
Tip: Use this function in event expressions. Later you can use them as a dimension in reports.

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