Password settings
This section provides a possibility to define the password policy for a workspace. The policy defined in this section is used the Change password section in the Account Security section.
If a user belongs to more than one workspace, the system selects here the strongest password policy among the workspaces a user is assigned to.

- Go to
Settings > Access Control.
- In the Password settings section, click Show.
- In the Length section, to define the minimum and maximum number of characters in a password, use the slider.
- In the Characters section:
- To require uppercase character in a password, switch the Uppercases (A-Z) toggle on and enter the number.
- To require lowercase characters in a password, switch the Lowercases (a-z) toggle on and enter the number.
- To require numbers in a password, switch the Numbers (0-9) toggle on and enter the number.
- To require special characters in a password, switch the Symbols (0-9) toggle on and enter the number. The allowed special characters are:
- In the Login and validity rules:
- To define if and when a password expires, switch the Password expires after (days) toggle on and enter the number.
- To define when an account is blocked due to the password expiration, switch the Account block after (days) toggle on and enter the number.
When an account is blocked due to this setting, the user must reset a password. - To force variety of passwords, switch the Password should be different then X lasts toggle on and enter the number of previous passwords that cannot be used as a new password.
- To define the number of unsuccessful logins that temporarily blocks an account, switch the Attempts to login before block account toggle on and enter the number.
- To define the time after which an inactive user is logged out, switch the Logout after x seconds of being idle toggle on and enter the number.
- Confirm the changes by clicking Apply in the upper-right corner of the section (you may need to scroll up).