Enabling the Infobip integration

In this article, you will find out how to enable the Infobip integration in Synerise which will let you send emails to your profiles (for example, customers).


  • Create an account in Infobip.
  • In the Infobip documentation, check the message limits imposed by Infobip. While planning email campaigns and sending email batches, take these limits into consideration.

Enabling integration

  1. Go to Settings iconSettings > Apps & Services.
  2. In the list of integrations, find Infobip (Email) and next to the integration name, click Show.
    • If there is a connection, you may proceed to configuring a sender account
    • If there is no connection or you want to create a new one, proceed to the next step.
  3. Click Add connection.
    Result: A pop-up appears.
  4. In the API Key field, enter the API key generated in Infobip platform. The key must have the following access scopes assigned: email:manage, email:message:send, message:send.
  5. In the Base URL endpoint field, enter the full base URL for API requests. To get your base URL, log in to the Infobip API Resource hub with your Infobip credentials. Once logged in, the URL is in the following format: https://xxxxx.api.infobip.com. Learn more about the base URL in the Infobip documentation.
  6. In the Application ID field, enter the Application ID associated with the API key. This field is optional. Learn more about this property in the provider’s documentation.
  7. In the Entity ID field, enter the Entity ID associated with the API key. This field is optional. Learn more about this property in the provider’s documentation.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Proceed to configuring a sender account.

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