Configure AI engine for AI Search

Before you can use AI Search, you must prepare an item catalog which will be the source of items.

During the configuration of the AI engine for the search, you must go through the following steps:

  1. Adding product feed
  2. Selecting a product feed
  3. Selecting attributes for preview
  4. Enabling AI Search
Tip: You may use the same item catalog for configuring AI Search, Propensity, and Recommendations. As a result, all these features will use the same source of items.

Adding item feed

The first step is selecting the feed from which recommendations will source the items. You can either select a catalog that contains a feed or use Google Merchant Feed.

Tip: If you configured the feed for other purposes, you can omit this step.
WARNING: We recommend using Google Merchant XML instead of XML files due to the size limits (an XML file cannot exceed 10 MB).
  1. Go to Settings > AI engine configuration.
  2. Click Add feed.
    Result: A pop-up appears.
  3. Select the product feed you want to use.
    Product feed uploaded to a catalog

    1. On the pop-up, select the type of catalog:
    2. From the dropdown list, select a catalog.
    3. Confirm by clicking Apply.
      Result: The selected catalog appears on the list in Settings > AI Engine configuration.

    Google Merchant

    Tip: Include the Last-Modified header to enable detection of whether the product feed import is necessary, this will help you reduce data transmission costs.
    1. Provide the following information:
      • the link to the Google Merchant feed,
      • the name of the field,
      • the type of the feed,
      • the frequency of pulling updates from the feed to Synerise,
      • authorization type,
      • user name,
      • and password.
    2. Confirm by clicking Apply.
      Result: The feed appears on the list in Settings > AI Engine configuration.

Selecting item feed

  1. In Settings > AI Engine Configuration, on the list of feeds, click the feed you added according to the Select product feed procedure.
    The configuration form opens. In the Item catalog section, the feed you are configuring is selected automatically and you can proceed to the next part of the configuration.

    Blank model configuration form
    Blank model configuration form

Selecting attributes for preview

Define attributes whose values will appear in the preview of AI Search results when you test the search settings. Without this, the AI search isn’t available.

  1. On the Attributes for preview tab, click Show.
  2. In the Response attribute column, from the lists select the attributes that contain the data in the Item attributes column.

Example: If the data source stores the item title in the itemTitle attribute, choose itemTitle: on the right, select the itemTitle attribute as the pair for Title from the left column.

Result: Values for the attributes that are chosen in the Response attribute column will be shown for products when previewing them in the Synerise platform.

Attributes for preview tab

Attributes for preview tab
Important: This setting is shared by the Recommendations previews and the AI Search Engine previews.

Enabling AI Search for the feed

Enable the AI Search for the selected catalog or Google Merchant Feed.

  1. On the Applied search engines tab, click Show.
  2. Switch the Search engines toggle on.
  3. Confirm by clicking Apply.

After that, proceed to the AI Search module, and proceed to the configuration

Removing item feed

You can remove item feeds from the list. While removing item feeds, any Synerise objects that rely on the feed as a source of information (such as predictions, recommendations, AI search) will be automatically disabled. Prior to confirming the removal operation, you will be presented with a list of objects that are currently using the feed to be removed. The feed will be removed after 7 days from confirming the action. During this transitional period, the feed and the objects associated with it will remain active. In the case of a feed within a catalog, the contents of the catalog will be deleted, while the catalog itself will be retained.

  1. Go to Settings > AI engine configuration.
  2. Next to the name of the feed you want to remove, click Three dot icon
  3. From the dropdown list, select Delete.
    Result: A pop-up appears with the list of objects that are currently using the feed.
  4. To confirm the operation, click Yes, delete feed.

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